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Бібліографія праць Х. Манна

  1. ¹A few thoughts for a young man : a lecture, delivered before the Boston mercantile library association, on its 29th anniversary / Horace Mann. – Boston: Ticknor, Reed and Fields, 1850. – 84 p.
  2. ¹Civil service competitions, considered as a means of promoting popular education / Horace Mann. – London : Edward Stanford, 6, Charing Cross., 1857. – 20 p.
  3. ¹Demands of the age on colleges / Horace Mann. – New York : Fowler and Welss, 1857. – 86 p.
  4. ¹Educational Writings of Horace Mann : containing contributions to the Common School Journal. – Boston : Lee and Shepard, 1891. – 578 p.
  5. ¹Lectures on education / Horace Mann. – Boston : IDE & DUTTON, 1855.– 338 p.
  6. ¹Life and Works of Horace Mann. In 5 vols. 2. Lectures and Annual Reports on Education / Horace Mann ; ed. by Mary Mann. – Cambridge : Published for the ed., 1867. – 571 p.
  7. ¹Life and Works of Horace Mann. In 5 vols. 3. Annual Reports on Education / Horace Mann ; ed. by Mary Mann. – Boston : H. B. Fuller, 1868. – 758 p.
  8. ²Life and Works of Horace Mann. [In 5 vols.]. 4. Annual Reports of the board of Education of Massachusetts for the years 1845–1848 and oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 1842 / Horace Mann. – Boston : Lee and Shepard ; New York : C. T. Dillingham, 1891. – 403 p.
  9. ²Life and Works of Horace Mann. [In 5 vols.]. 5. Educational Writings / Horace Mann. – Boston : Lee and Shepard ; New York : C. T. Dillingham, 1891. – 573 p.
  10. ¹Report of an educational tour in Germany and parts of Great Britain and Ireland / Horace Mann. – London : Simpkin, Marshall and Co.; Liverpool : D. Marples, 1846. – 272 p.
  11. ¹Slavery: letters and speeches / Horace Mann. – Boston : B. B. Mussey & Co., 1851. – 564 p.
  12. ³The republic and the school : Horace Mann on the education of free men / Horace Mann ; ed. by Lawrence A. Cremin. – New York : Teachers college press, 1957. – 112 p. – (Classics in Education ; No 1).
  13. ¹Thoughts selected from the Writings of Horace Mann. – Boston : H. B. Fuller, – 240 p.
  14. Ред.: ²The Common School Journal : [a journal for teachers] / ed. by Horace Mann. – Boston : Marsh, Capen, Lyon, and Webb, 1838–1840. – Published semi-monthly.
  15. ³Books by Horace Mann [Electronic resource] : Horace Mann Bibliography / comp. by Library Services, Santa Clara County Office of Education // Horace Mann League of the USA : website. – Text data. – USA, 2006. – June. – Mode of access: https://www.hmleague.org/welcome-to-the-horace-mann-league/ (date of appeal: 17.06.2021). – Title from the screen.

¹Праці з онлайн-ресурсу Internet archive

²Праці з онлайн-бібліотеки Google Книги

³Праці з інших інтернет-джерел

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Державна науково-педагогічна бібліотека України імені В. О. Сухомлинського оголошує конкурс на заміщення вакантних посад. Детальніше...

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