
Zaluzhnyi Oleksandr Samiylovych (1886–1938)
December 21 marks the 138th anniversary of birth of Oleksandr Samiylovych Zaluzhnyi, a Ukrainian pedologist, educator, reflexologist, experimental scientist, professor, head of the “collective science section” of the Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Pedagogy, one of the founders of Kharkiv School of Pedology.
The information about O.S. Zaluzhnyi’s life and work is presented on the page «Zaluzhnyi Oleksandr Samiylovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Grinchenko Borys Dmytrovych (1863-1910)
December 9 marks the 161st anniversary of birth of Borys Dmytrovych Grinchenko, a Ukrainian writer, educator, lexicographer, literary scholar, ethnographer, historian, publicist, public and cultural figure.
The information about B.D. Grinchenko’s life and work is presented on the page «Grinchenko Borys Dmytrovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Educators of Ukraine and the World». We invite everyone interested to review it.

Skovoroda Hryhoriy Savych (1722–1794)
December 3 marks the 302nd anniversary of birth of Hryhoriy Savych Skovoroda, a Ukrainian philosopher, national enlightener-humanist, educator, traveling thinker, writer, poet, translator, musician and singer, lecturer.
The information about H.S. Skovoroda’s life and work is presented on the page «Skovoroda Hryhoriy Savych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Educators of Ukraine and the World». We invite everyone interested to review it.

Rudnytska Oksana Petrivna (1946–2002)
December 1 marks the 78th anniversary of birth of Oksana Petrivna Rudnytska, a Ukrainian educator, specialist in music pedagogy, personality education through art, cultural training of students of pedagogical higher educational institutions.
The information about O.P. Rudnytska’s life and work is presented on the page «Rudnytska Oksana Petrivna» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Depolovych Lidiya Platonivna (1896–1943)
November 27 marks the 128th anniversary of the birth of Lidiya Platonivna Depolovych, a Ukrainian educator, specialist in primary education methodology, author of primers published from 1926 to 1956, numerous manuals for teaching children literacy, in particular reading books, math problem books, primers for literacy schools. workbooks, methodical manuals.
The information about the life and activities of L.P. Depolovych is presented on the page «Depolovych Lidia Platonivna» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Drahomanov Mykhailo Petrovych (1841–1895)
September 30 marks the 183rd anniversary of birth of Mykhailo Petrovych Drahomanov, a Ukrainian scientist-historian, literary scholar, publicist, folklorist, philosopher, educator, socio-political and public figure, associate professor of Kyiv University, professor of Sofia University, active figure of Kyiv community, founder of the Free Ukrainian printing house in Geneva.
The information about M.P. Drahomanov’s life and activities is presented on the page «Drahomanov Mykhailo Petrovych» ( of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Sukhomlynsky Vasyl Oleksandrovych (1918–1970)
September 28 marks the 106th anniversary of birth of Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi, a Ukrainian educator, candidate of pedagogical sciences, school director, teacher, publicist, children’s writer.
The information about V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s life and activities is presented on the page «Sukhomlynskyi Vasyl Oleksandrovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World». We invite everyone interested to review it.

Durdukivskyi Volodymyr Fedorovych (1874 – 1938)
September 17 marks the 150th anniversary of birth of Volodymyr Fedorovych Durdukivskyi, a Ukrainian educator, educational and public figure, literary scholar, director of T. G. Shevchenko First Ukrainian Gymnasium in Kyiv.
The information about V.F. Durdukivskyi’s life and activities is presented on the page «Durdukivskyi Volodymyr Fyodorovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World». We invite everyone interested to review it.

Yarmachenko Mykola Dmytrovych (1928 – 2010)
September 6 marks the 96th anniversary of birth of Mykola Dmytrovych Yarmachenko, a Ukrainian educator, scientist in the field of deaf pedagogy, theory and history of pedagogy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, founder and the first president of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
The information about M.D. Yarmachenko’s life and activities of is presented on the page «Yarmachenko Mykola Dmytrovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Astryab Oleksandr Matviyovych (1879-1962)
September 3 marks the 145th anniversary of birth of Oleksandr Matviyovych Astryab, a Ukrainian pedagogue, methodologist-mathematician, author of textbooks, teaching and methodical guides in mathematics, works on the history of mathematical education.
The information about O.M. Astryab’s life and activities is presented on the page «Oleksandr Matviyovych Astryab» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».