
Muzychenko Oleksandr Fedorovych (1875–1937 (according to some data, 1940)
August 21 marks the 149th anniversary of birth of Oleksandr Fyodorovych Muzychenko – a Ukrainian practical educator, primary school methodologist, public education activist, specialist in didactics and methodology, comparative pedagogy, creator of the national education system – the Unified labor school in Ukraine.
The information about O.F. Muzychenko’s life and activities is presented on the page «Muzychenko Oleksandr Fedorovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Konyskyi Oleksandr Yakovych (1836–1900)
August 18 marks the 188th anniversary of birth of Oleksandr Yakovych Konyskyi, a Ukrainian translator, writer, publisher, lexicographer, educator, public figure.
The information about O. Ya. Konyskyi’s life and activities is presented on the page «Konyskyi Oleksandr Yakovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World». We invite everyone interested to review it.

Berlynskyi Maxym Fedorovych (1764–1848)
August 17 marks the 260th anniversary of birth of Maksym Fedorovych Berlynskyi – a Ukrainian historian, educator, the first Kyiv archaeologist, researcher of monastery libraries, chronicles, director of the Main People&apos School of Kyiv (since 1809 – the First Kyiv Gymnasium).
The information about M.F. Berlynskyi’s life and activities is presented on the page «Berlynskyi M.F.» of the electronic information and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Skrypchenko Nadiya Fedorivna (1931–1996)
August 15 marks the 93rd anniversary of birth of Nadiya Fedorivna Skrypchenko, a Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in primary education who researched the current problems of teaching and educating six-year-old schoolchildren in the conditions of a pedagogical experiment.
The information about N.F. Skrypchenko’s life and activities is presented on the page «Skrypchenko Nadiya Fedorivna» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Chamata Pavlo Romanovych (1898–1969)
July 28 marks the 126th anniversary of birth of Pavlo Romanovych Chamata – a Ukrainian educator and psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, founder of the scientific school in Ukraine on the problem of development of consciousness and self-awareness of an individual, a leader and organizer of education.
The information about P.R. Chamata’s life and activities is presented on the page «Chamata Pavlo Romanovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Kulish Panteleimon Oleksandrovych (1819–1897)
July 27 marks the 205th anniversary of birth of Panteleimon Oleksandrovych Kulish, a Ukrainian writer, teacher-methodologist, literary critic, historian, folklorist, ethnographer, translator, linguist, cultural and educational figure.
The information about the life and activities of P.O. Kulish is presented on the page «Kulish Panteleimon Oleksandrovych» ( of the electronic information and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Korf Mykola Oleksandrovych (1834–1883)
July 14 marks the 190th anniversary of birth of Mykola Oleksandrovych Korf – a pedagogue and educator, methodologist, organizer of elementary rural schools and public schools in Ukraine, a follower of K.D. Ushynskyi’s pedagogical views.
The information about M.O. Korf’s life and activities is presented on the page «Korf Mykola Oleksandrovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Naumenko Volodymyr Pavlovych (1852–1919)
July 7 marks the 172nd anniversary of birth of Volodymyr Pavlovych Naumenko, a Ukrainian pedagogue, philologist, historian, ethnographer, publicist, one of the organizers of the national education system, a public and political figure.
The information about V.P. Naumenko’s life and activities is presented on the page «Naumenko Volodymyr Pavlovych» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSEL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Olena Pchilka (1849 – 1930)
June 29th marks the 175th anniversary of birth of Olena Pchilka – a Ukrainian writer, ethnographer, folklorist, translator, publicist, editor, publisher, educator, public figure, member-correspondent of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
The information about Olena Pchilka’s life and activities is presented on the page «Olena Pchilka» of the electronic information and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».

Bugayko Tetyana Fedorivna (1898 – 1972)
June 25th marks the 126th anniversary of birth of Tetyana Fedorivna Bugayko – a Ukrainian educator, literary scholar, scientist and methodologist, the first female Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in Ukraine.
The information about T.F. Bugayko’s life and activities is presented on the page «Bugayko Tetyana Fedorivna» of the electronic informational and bibliographic resource of the SSPL «Outstanding Educators of Ukraine and the World».