Reference book of instructive materials for education libraries of the MOS of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine (2017-2019)
Reference book of instructive materials for education libraries of the MOS of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine (2017-2019) = Довідник інструктивних матеріалів для освітянських бібліотек МОН України та НАПН України (2017–2019 рр.) : [reference book] / The NAES of Ukraine, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine ; [compilers: I. I. Khemchian, L. M. Bondar]. Kyiv : [without the name of publishing house], 2019. – 95 p.
ISBN 978-617-7536-12-2
Reference book of instructive materials for education libraries of the MOS of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine (2017-2019) covers documents for education libraries; these documents were developed by the scientists of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine within the framework the research ‘Methodological principles of development of education libraries as an important component of educational environment’. The reference book is useful for library workers working at the education libraries of the MOS of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine.
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