European Information centre

V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine presents the European information centres organised within the international Everything about Europe: read, listen and learn at European information centres in libraries project initiated by the Ukrainian Library Association and supported by the EU Erasmus+ programme (Jean Monnet project) The main aim is to inform people about the EU and provide information support services to students during training and carrying out research on European integration. The library offers the following services:
- book exhibitions: Education in Europe presented in the reading room of the main building (9 Berlynskoho Str) and reading room of the all-inclusive service sector (57 Volodymyrska Str);
- European publications: educational and scientific literature; encyclopedias and reference books; popular science and fiction of classical literature (Millennium Library collection);
- webliography of sites relating to European information and information about European integration of Ukraine : the list of the main EU institutions and their web addresses; the national resources of establishments and institutions (councils, societies, public organisations) that carry out European integration at the national and regional levels.
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