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Outstanding Teachers of Ukraine and the World

Berezivska L. D., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, is a research manager of the project.

In 2008 the researchers of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine started the creation of the information bibliographic Outstanding Teachers of Ukraine and the World resource. It was initiated by the first Director of the library Rohova P. I. within the research titled Theoretical bases of formation of the All-Ukrainian information resource on the problems of psychological and pedagogical science and education on the basis of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine (2006 2010).

The aim of the resource: to popularise the achievements of the national and foreign pedagogical and psychological science and education by consolidating information about the national as well as foreign prominent people; to present their lives, activities, creative heritage, and to put their ideas into practice. The resource will make the library holdings popular, further patriotic education among youth, provide information support to research and educational programmes, and help to hold public and educational activities.

The library users as well as Ukrainian and foreign researchers will extend their knowledge, improve their research on the history of pedagogical science, education, library science, and allied fields of study.

It will be a rich information bibliographic e-resource comprising reference, biobibliographic and other documents covering the detailed information about a prominent person and his (her) contribution to the development of science and practice.

The resource has the following structure: biography of a person, bibliography of his (her) works and materials about him (her); some full-text works and other additional materials; photo gallery; materials presenting the activity of the establishment that bears the name of this person; information about awards, prises, monuments, and scientific readings connected with the name of this outstanding person, etc.

Participants: specialists working in V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine and education libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, regional libraries, scientific and pedagogical libraries, and libraries of higher education institutions. The specialists of the libraries of other systems and departments that bear the names of prominent pedagogues and educationalists can take part in the project.​

Sukhomlynskyi Vasyl Oleksandrovych,

an outstanding Ukrainian teacher-humanist, Hero of Socialist Labour, Corresponding Member of the AES of the USSR, PhD (Education), head teacher, teacher, and children’s writer.

Alchevska Khrystyna Danylivna,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, popular education figure, organiser and head teacher of Sunday schools, methodologist of primary school, founder and teacher of the Kharkiv Women’s Sunday School.

Ananin Stepan Andriiovych,

a famous Ukrainian teacher, psychologist, scholar, specialist in the theory of labour and aesthetic education, comparative pedagogy and paedology, Professor and lecturer of the course on children’s and pedagogical psychology at the Kyiv St. Volodymyr University.

Astriab Oleksandr Matviiovych,

a prominent Ukrainian pedagogue, scientist-reformer, founder of the school on methods of teaching mathematics, Professor, author of many textbooks, educational and methodological manuals on geometry, algebra, and arithmetic, Honoured Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, and K. Ushynskyi prize-winner.

Batyshev Serhii Yakovych,

an eminent Ukrainian scholar in the field of professional pedagogy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, full member of the AES of the USSR, Honoured Scientist of Russian Federation, and Hero of the USSR.

Berezniak Yevhen Stepanovych,

PhD (Education), Honoured Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR, Hero of Ukraine (2001), honorary member of the NAES of Ukraine, the Great Patriotic War veteran, inspector and head of school administration at the Ministry of Education of the Ukrainian SSR, teacher of the Central Institute for Teachers’ Professional Development, teacher, and head teacher.

Berlynskyi Maksym Fedorovych,

a Ukrainian historian, pedagogue, the first archeologist in Kyiv, researcher of monastic libraries and chronicles, and head teacher of the Main Popular School in Kyiv (the First Kyiv Gymnasium since 1809).

Bekhteriev Volodymyr Mykhailovych,

a Russian neurologist, physiologist, psychiatrist, psychologist, pedagogue, public figure, representative of the science of the human brain structure and its function, one of the organisers of the All-Russian congresses in psychology and experimental pedagogy, founder of many scientific and teachers’ training establishments in Petersburg, organiser and director of Psychoneurologic Institute and Institute for Brain Research, and author of Obiektivnaia psikhologiia (Objective psychology), Obshchie osnovy refleksologii cheloveka (General fundamentals of human’s reflexology), and Mozg i ego deiatelnost (Human brain and its activity)

Buhaiko Tetiana Fedorivna,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in literature, scientist-methodologist, and the first female Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in Ukraine.

Bunhe Mykola Khrystyianovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, reformer, statesman, Academician of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, Professor and rector of the Kyiv University, founder and head teacher of the Kyiv Economic School, and creator of innovative ideas regarding higher education reform and improvement.

Chamata Pavlo Ivanovych,

a Ukrainian teacher, psychologist, pedagogue, PhD (Psychology), Assistant Professor, and founder of the Ukrainian scientific school for human self-awareness.


Chavdarov Sava Khrystoforovych,

a Ukrainian scientist, pedagogue, specialist in didactics, methodologist of primary and secondary education, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Educational Sciences of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Honoured Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, and teacher of Ukrainian and Russian in Kyiv region.


Chepiha-Zelenkevych Yakiv Feofanovych,

a prominent pedagogue, psychologist, and public figure, whose ideas had a great influence on the development of pedagogical thought in Ukraine.


Comenius John Amos ,a Czech pedagogue-humanist, philosopher, initiator of the new progressive pedagogical system, public figure, statesman, author of the project on the reform of the Swedish education system and methodology of Latin language teaching, author of Great Didactic, The School of Infancy, General Consultation on the Improvement of Human Affairs, and textbooks on physics, astronomy, and languages, etc. 


An outstanding Ukrainian pedagogue, teacher, organizer of education, historian of pedagogy, methodologist


Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in primary education, author of primers published from 1926 to 1956, numerous textbooks for teaching children to read and write, including reading books, math problem books, primers for literacy schools, workbooks, study guides.

Dittes Friedrich,

a German pedagogue, leader of the German and Austrian teachers in the second half of the 19th century, and disciple of Friedrich Eduard Beneke and Adolph Diesterweg.

Drahomanov Mykhailo Petrovych,

a Ukrainian scholar, historian, specialist in literature, publicist, specialist in folklore, philosopher, pedagogue, statesman, public figure, one of the leaders of Sunday schools, Assistant Professor and lecturer of history at the Kyiv University, Professor of Sofia University, one of the organisers of teachers’ training courses for teachers of the Ukrainian popular schools, leader of the Kyiv Hromada (Community) society, founder of the Free Ukrainian Printing House in Geneva, and founder of the Geneva Circle.

Durdukivskyi Volodymyr Fedorovych,

a prominent Ukrainian pedagogue, public figure, specialist in literature, head teacher, teacher, and children’s writer.

Dukhnovych Oleksandr Vasyliovych,

Ukrainian writer, pedagogue, specialist in literature, theologian, cultural worker, statesman, public figure, and founder of the first public library in Transcarpathian Ukraine.

Freinet Célestin,

a French pedagogue, teacher, head teacher of primary school, representative of the so-called ‘progressive pedagogy’, and author of teaching techniques (the ‘Freinet techniques’), which were original means of children’s development in tune with democracy, freedom, and self-development.

Fröbel (Frobel) Friedrich Wilhelm August ,

a German pedagogue, theoretician of preschool education, creator of the new author education system, founder of Pestalozzi primary schools, initiator of children’s establishments for games and studies for younger children, and organiser of kindergartens and kindergarten teachers’ training.

Hrinchenko Borys Dmytrovych,

Ukrainian writer, pedagogue, lexicographer, specialist in literature, ethnographer, historian, publicist, public figure, one of the founders of the Ukrainian Radical Party, organiser and head of the Prosveta (Enlightment) society, Kyiv.


Hrinchenko Mariia Mykolaivna,

a famous public figure, pedagogue, writer, interpreter, and author of popular science books.

Hryshchenko Mykyta Mynovych,a Ukrainian pedagogue and specialist in the field of popular education and science management in the USSR.

Karazin Vasyl Nazarovych,

a founder of the first Kharkiv University in the Eastern Ukraine, initiator of the creation of the Ministry of Popular Education in the Russian Empire, and author of liberal projects on political system and national economy reform.

KERSHENSHTEINER GEORGGerman pedagogue and reformer, methodologist, organizer of public education, theorist of civic education and labor school.

Korf Mykola Oleksandrovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, methodologist, prominent zemstvo figure in the field of popular education, organiser of zemstvo primary and popular schools in Ukraine, and disciple of K. Ushynskyi’s ideas.

Janusz Korczak,

a physician by profession, one of the outstanding figures of modern pedagogy, journalist, writer, and public figure. He loved children very much and wrote books for them.

Kostiuk Hryhorii Sylovych,a Ukrainian psychologist, pedagogue, founder of the Ukrainian psychological school, and specialist in children’s and pedagogical psychology.
Kulish Panteleimon Oleksandrovych,

a Ukrainian writer, pedagogue-methodologist, literary critic, historian, specialist in folklore, ethnographer, interpreter, philologist, and cultural worker.

Lay Wilhelm August,German pedagogue.

Lanhe Mykola Mykolaiovych,

a Ukrainian and Russian psychologist, one of the founders of experimental psychology, philosopher, pedagogue, writer, and public figure.

Lubenets Tymofii Hryhorovych,

A famous Ukrainian pedagogue, methodologist, and public figure. He belonged to the group of progressive pedagogues in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was one of the founders of popular school in Ukraine.

Makarenko Anton Semenovych,

a Ukrainian and Russian teacher-innovator, classic of the 20th century world pedagogy, creator of the new methods for educational work with children’s group, and writer.

Montessori Maria Tecla Artemisia,

an eminent Italian physician and educator. Her leading idea was that there is a special world of childhood and the development of any child obeys the laws of nature.

Muzychenko Oleksandr Fedorovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in primary education methods, popular education figure, specialist in didactics and comparative pedagogy, and creator of such national education system as labour school in Ukraine.

Naumenko Volodymyr Pavlovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, philologist, historian, ethnographer, publicist, one of the organisers of the national education system, statesman, and public figure.

Onyshchuk Vasyl Onysymovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, teacher, winner of the 1976 Outstanding Popular Educator Award, specialist in didactics, teacher of pedagogy, psychology, and geography in Bershad teachers’ training school, head of the Department of Didactics at the Research Institute if Pedagogy of the Ukrainian SSR, N. Krupska prize-winner, and the Ukrainian SSR State prize-winner in the field of science and engineering.


the Ukrainian scientist-encyclopedist, teacher, theorist and organizer of education.

Pchilka Olena,

a Ukrainian writer, ethnographer, specialist in folklore, translator, publicist, editor, publisher, pedagogue, public figure, and Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Pyrohov Mykola Ivanovych,

a national scientist, surgeon, anatomist, pathologist, pedagogue, educator-democrat, public figure, Professor, and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Rieznik Yakiv Borysovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, founder and head of the orphanage in Kyiv.

Rusova Sofiia Fedorivna,

an outstanding Ukrainian pedagogue, public figure, writer, theoretician and practician in the field of social preschool education in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and one of the organisers of feminist movement.

Rousseau Jean-Jacques,

a French philosopher, writer, composer, pedagogue, and representative of sentimentalism.

Riappo Yan Petrovych,

a noted Ukrainian pedagogue, scientist, public figure, deputy People’s Commissar of Ukraine, editor-in-chief of the Ukrainian educational Put’ prosveshcheniia (Path of education) journal (later it was renamed into Shliakh osvity). He was one of the founders of the popular education system of the Ukrainian SSR, supporter of the monotechnic education concept, the first historian of the Ukrainian school and pedagogy, one of the initiators of the creation of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Pedagogy, sinologist, and co-author of the Estonian epic poem Kalevipoeg (Kalev’s son, often Anglicised as Kalevide) translation into Ukrainian.


Swiss educator, theorist of the labor school, one of the initiators of the development of social pedagogy, writer, politician and public figure.

Sikorskyi Ivan Oleksiiovych,

a Ukrainian psychiatrist, psychologist, pedagogue, Doctor of Medicine, one of the founders of children’s psychology and psychopathology, specialist in school hygiene, pedagogical pathology, psychology of preschool children, Professor and head of the department of the Kyiv University.

Skovoroda Hryhorii Savych,

a prominent Ukrainian philosopher of the 18th century, popular teacher-humanist, itinerant thinker, writer, poet, translator, musician, and singer.

Sokolianskyi Ivan Panasovych,

a Ukrainian scientist, pedagogue, paedologist, Professor, specialist in special needs pedagogy, and one of the organisers of research institutes of pedagogy and defectology in the Ukrainian SSR.


an outstanding organizer of the development of the Ukrainian national school, the first Minister of Education of independent Ukraine in the government of the Central Rada, an educator, poet, writer, publicist, translator, literary critic and theorist of literature.

Teslenko Ivan Fedorovych,

a Ukrainian mathematician, pedagogue, and Professor. He was interested in methods of teaching geometry and formation of dialectical materialistic world view of schoolchildren.


Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in methodology of preschool education, founder of the scientific school of aesthetic education.

Ushynskyi Kostiantyn Dmytrovych,

an outstanding Ukrainian and Russian pedagogue, initiator of scientific pedagogy and popular education, and author of papers on theory and history of pedagogy and textbooks for primary schools.

Vashchenko Hryhorii Hryhorovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, Professor, educationalist, scholar, and psychologist.


Yurkevych Pamfiil Danylovych,

a Ukrainian and Russian thinker, philosopher, pedagogue, Professor of Philosophy at the Moscow University, lecturer at the Kyiv Theological Academy, and creator of the ‘philosophy of heart’ concept.

Yarmachenko Mykola Dmytrovych,

a famous Ukrainian pedagogue, scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Science and Technology Worker of Ukraine, full member, founder, and the first president of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, councilor of the Presidium of the AES of Ukraine, and a member of various foreign academies and scientific societies.

Zakharenko Oleksandr Antonovych,

a Ukrainian pedagogue, one of the founders of cooperation pedagogy, Honoured Teacher of Ukraine (1974), popular teacher of the USSR (1983), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Educational Sciences of the USSR (1989), Academician and founder of the Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (1992), full member of the Russian Academy of Education (1999), public figure, and head teacher of the well-known author’s school in Sakhnivka village, Cherkasy region (1966-2002).


Historian of pedagogy, participant in the reform of education in Ukraine in the 1920s




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