Mykola Mykolaiovych Lange
Mykola Mykolaiovych Lange page was developed and included to the information bibliographic Outstanding Teachers of Ukraine and the World resource in commemoration of the 160th anniversary of the birth of Mykola Mykolayovych Lange (1858-1921), an outstanding national psychologist, one of the founders of experimental psychology, teacher, Professor of philosophy of Novorossiysk University (Odessa), founder and the first Director of Higher women’s courses in Odessa,
For the Day of Knowledge
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine and Kyiv Hrani-T Publishing House held an act of charity on free accession to the libraries of institutions of general secondary, preschool, out-of-school and vocational education. The publisher transferred more than 120 titles of books combined in various series. Read more…
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