Hryshchenko, M. M.
Hryshchenko Mykyta Mynovych
1900 – 1987
- Biography
- Bibliography of his works
- Bibliography of publications about his life and activity
- Full-text documents
- Photo gallery
27 September 2018 marked the 118th anniversary of the birth of Mykyta Mynovych Hryshchenko (1900 – 1987), a Ukrainian pedagogue, specialist in the field of popular education and science management in the USSR, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Ukrainian SSR, teacher, head teacher, inspector, rector of the Kyiv Institute of Social Education, director of the Research Institutes of Defectology and Pedagogy, lecturer and head of the Department of Pedagogy at the Kyiv State T. Shevchenko University for more than 30 years, and author of the following works on the history of the development of school and pedagogy in the Ukrainian SSR and theory of pedagogy of secondary and high school and defectology: Planuvannia i oblik roboty v spetsialnykh shkolakh (Planning and accounting of work in special schools), Rozvytok narodnoi osvity na Ukraini za roky Radianskoi vlady (Development of popular education in Ukraine through the years of the Soviet power), Dydaktyka vyshchoi shkoly (High school didactics), Dydaktychni porady molodomu vykladachevi vuzu (Didactic recommendations for a young university teacher).