Orlay Ivan Semenovych
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He was a representative of the Transcarpathian intelligentsia of Austria-Hungary in the XVIII century. In the lower grades of Great Charles Gymnasium of Higher Sciences he taught ancient languages, geography, history, arithmetic and received the title of professor. He moved to the Russian Empire in 1791 where he became a famous scientist, an active participant in scientific, cultural and educational life in Ukraine and Russia.
He obtained higher education at Lviv, Vienna and Pest universities. From 1793, after graduating from the Medical and Surgical School in St. Petersburg, he worked as a physician at the imperial court, a scientific secretary and an assistant to the President of the Medical and Surgical Academy. He was the editor of Russia’s first medical journal. In 1821–1826 he was the director of Prince Bezborodko Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn, and in 1826–1829 he headed the Richelieu Lyceum in Odessa.
He defended two doctoral dissertations (in medicine and surgery and шт philosophy) and a master’s degree in verbal sciences. He conducted scientific research – dealt with the history of medicine, improvement of medical terminology. He substantiated the importance of general education, study of exact sciences, native language, etc. He published works on the history of Transcarpathia. He was a member of many scientific societies in Russia and abroad.