Naumenko, V. P.
Naumenko Volodymyr Pavlovych
07 July 1852 – 08 July 1919
- Biography
- Bibliography of his publications
- Bibliography of publications about his life and activity
- Naumenko gymnasium
- Full-text documents
- Bibliography
19 July 2017 marked the 165th anniversary of the birth of Volodymyr Pavlovych Naumenko (1852 – 1919), a Ukrainian pedagogue, philologist, teacher, methodologist, historian, journalist, ethnographer, publicist, one of the organisers of the national education system, statesman, public figure, teacher of the 2nd Kyiv Gymnasium, founder and head teacher of the V. Naumenko Gymnasium, leader of the Kyiv school district, member of the Ukrainian Central Council, Minister for Popular Education of the Ukrainian state, head of the Kyiv Society for Popularsing Literacy, and head of the Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv.
Volodymyr Pavlovych Naumenko developed programmes on the Ukrainian and Russian languages and literatures for gymnasiums and secondary schools. He was an author of Natsyonalizatsiya shkoly v Ukraine (Nationalisation of schools in Ukraine), Zahalni prynsypy Ukrainskoho pravopysu (General principles of the Ukrainian orthography), Rukovodstvo dlya izucheniya ukrainskogo yazyka v russkih shkolah (Guide to Ukrainian), and Materialy po reforme srednej shkoly (Materials on secondary school reform). He was the first editor of Slovar Ukrainskoi movy. (Ukrainian-Russian dictionary), compiled by B. Hrinchenko.