Lanhe, M. M,
Lanhe Mykola Mykolaiovych
12 (24) March 1858 – 15 February 1921
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- Bibliography of his publications
- Bibliography of publications about his life and activity
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- Perpetuation of his memory
- Bibliography
Mykola Mykolaiovych Lanhe was an outstanding national psychologist, one of the initiators of experimental psychology, pedagogue, Professor of Philosophy at the Novorossijsk University in Odessa, lecturer of history of philosophy, psychology, history of pedagogy, and didactics. He was a founder and the first head of the Higher Women’s courses in Odessa. He was also interested in problems of the development of secondary, primary and out-of-school education in Odessa: he was a lecturer of pedagogy at the gymnasium; he developed academic curricula, educational programmes, and courses. He headed the Hostorical Philological Society, founded and headed the Teachers’ Training Department at the society. He was a head of the school’s board at the municipal council, where he raised various questions on the necessity of education reform in order to democratise and humanise it. He was an auhor of textbooks and papers on psychology, logic, and education reform.