V.O. Sukhomlynskyi
Vasyl O. Sukhomlynskyi
an outstanding Ukrainian pedagogue-humanist,
Corresponding Member of APS of the USSR,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Head of the school, teacher, children’s writer
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi was appointed head of the secondary school in Pavlysh village, Kirovohrad region, in1948 and took this position up to the end of his life. Being the head of this school he had been carrying out the pedagogical experiment for 22 years and as a result he made an original system of education.
V.O. Sukhomlynskyiis known as a teacher-humanist, creator of the pedagogical system in the center of which a child as a unique individual is placed. According to V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s ideas the main aim of education and upbringing is the development of creative abilities of an individual who grows upwithin a group of other children and on the basis of moral and aesthetic values, interests and needs aimed at creative work and self-development. From the standpoint of humanism and human values the origins of which lie in the Ukrainian spirituality, its moral imperatives and cultures, the teacher considered the education of an individual as cognition, spirituality, and work.
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi included the Ukrainian folk pedagogics into the system of various pedagogical influence methods; he considered it to be the basis for the formation of an individual. He paid great attention to the cultivation of love for their native word in children. Taking into consideration this, the teacher created his own original forms and methods of teaching and upbringing children at school and during out-of-school activities.
V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s diverse and multiple-aspect creative oeuvre contains 48 books, 500 scientific articles, more than 1,500 short stories and fairy tales for children. At the beginning of the 21st century 65 works written by the teacher were published; the whole number of printed copies of these works amounted to about 15,000,000 copies. They were translated into 59 languages.
Here are the most well-known books written byV.O. Sukhomlynskyi: “I Give my Heart to Children” (“Sertse viddaiu ditiam”) (it was translated into 32 languages and has 55 editions); “Birth of a Citizen” (“Narodzhennia hromadianyna”); “Pavlysh Secondary School” (“Pavlyska serednia shkola”); “How to Bring up a Real Person” (“Yak vyhovaty spravzhniu liudynu”); “One Hundred Pieces of Advice for Teachers” (“Sto pored vchytelevi”); “Conversation with a Young School Head” (“Rozmova z molodym dyrektorom shkoly”); “Book about Love” (“Knyha pro liubov”) and other books.
The Ukrainian Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi Association actively studies, spreads, introduces into life the scientist’s creative heritage, the best pedagogical practices, facilitates teachers’ training and professional development. One of the main directions of activity carried out by the Association is the arrangement of pedagogical readings, scientific conferences, methodical lessons, seminars in order to study the relevant ideas of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi’s pedagogical heritage.
More information about the teacher’s life and his pedagogical activity can be found here Outstanding Teachers of Ukraine and the World Series.
In 2002–2003 V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s family gave SSPL of Ukraine 3,393 items of documents, namely: outstanding teacher’s personal works published in the Ukrainian and 50 foreign languages, materials about his life and work in the Ukrainian and many foreign languages, documentary video and photographs collected after the scientist’s death.
These materials constitute the basis of the Reading Room of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s Collection opened at the library in March 2003.
Reading Room of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s Collection is a specialized room of the library functioning as a scientific laboratory for studying the life, work and pedagogical heritage of the outstanding Ukrainian teacher Vasyl O. Sukhomlynskyi.
At present the document collection kept in the reading room holds more than 5,000items. (photo 51841458). They are: V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s works in the Ukrainian and 50 foreign languages; publications devoted to the teacher and materials concerning the use of the scientist’spedagogical heritage: scientific (monographs, collections of scientific works, materials of scientific conferences, dissertations, dissertation abstracts), information (indexes, programmes, booklets), educational (textbooks, educational and methodical manuals), reference (encyclopedias, guides);, довідкові (енциклопедії, путівники); publications (V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s articles and articles about him) issued in periodicals, their electronic and paper copies; electronic versions of: 5-volume set of selected works by V.O. Sukhomlynskyi, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi’s articles and documentary films about the teacher.
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Reading Room Services
- document collection;
- reference and search aids(catalogues, card files);
- document exhibition (new arrivals exhibition, subject exhibition);
- reference (oral and written);
- advice on document choice and use of reference and search aids;
- permission to copy documents;
- subject excursions;
- documentary film demonstration.
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