Department of Pedagogical Source Studies and Biographistics
Google Scholar profile
The Department of Pedagogical Source Studies and Biographistics was established in 2015 (2016–2019 – Department of Educational History) upon the initiative of the Director of the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine named after of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Larisa Dmytrivna Berezivska.
The department includes:
- Sector of Sukhomlynsky studies;
- Reading room of the V. Sukhomlynsky Fund.
The Sukhomlynsky Studies Sector, aimed at systematic and comprehensive study and popularization of the creative legacy and activities of the prominent Ukrainian educator V. Sukhomlynsky, was established for the first time in Ukraine in 2016.
Mission of the Department
The mission of the department is to conduct scientific research on the history of education, pedagogical source studies and biographistics, pedagogical bibliography; informational support for scientific research in the field of education, pedagogy, and educational/pedagogical history.
Activities of the Department
- Scientific research.
- Scientific and organizational work.
- Scientific information work.
- Cultural and educational work.
Main Tasks of the Department
- Scientific research in the field of educational history based on a wide range of sources, including those from the V. Sukhomlynsky Fund.
- Study and improvement of scientific methods of source studies; analytical research of individual sources or their complexes.
- Development of theoretical foundations of pedagogical bibliography and biographistics as a source base for educational history.
- Conducting biographical research, collecting, and scientifically processing biographical and bibliographical materials on the lives and activities of Ukrainian educators (past and present).
- Bibliographic support for the development of science: preparation and publication of scientific-auxiliary, advisory, personal bibliographic products in pedagogy, educational history; bibliographic services for scientists in the field, other specialized professionals of Ukraine for education and self-education in traditional and electronic forms.
- Study of the legacy of the prominent Ukrainian educator-humanist V. Sukhomlynsky (Sukhomlynsky Studies Sector), which is an organic component of the development of modern education and pedagogy in Ukraine.
- Study, generalization, and implementation of the experience of leading domestic and foreign libraries, research institutions, higher educational institutions on issues of source studies, bibliography, biographistics, and Sukhomlynsky studies.
Berezivska Larisa Dmytrivna
Position: Chief Researcher
Academic Degree: Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor
Honorary Title: Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Educational Reform, Methodology of Historical-Pedagogical Research, Pedagogical Source Studies, Bibliography, Biographistics, Sukhomlynsky Studies
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Kochubey Tetiana Dmytrivna
Position: Chief Researcher
Academic Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor
Research Interests: History of Education, Biographistics, Social Pedagogy, Social Work
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Mikhno Oleksandr Petrovych
Position: Senior Researcher
Academic Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Rank: Senior Researcher
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics, Sukhomlynsky Studies
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Antonets Nataliia Borysivna
Position: Senior ResearcherAcademic Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Rank: Senior Researcher
Research Interests: History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Durdas Alla Petrovna
Position: Senior Researcher
Academic Degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Ukrainian and International Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Pavlenko Tetiana Stepanivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Sereda Khrystyna Volodymyrivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Boiko Oksana Andriivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Scientific interests: Pedagogy, History of education, Pedagogical source studies, Biography studies
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Demyda Yevheniya Fedorivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Bibliography, Biographistics
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Derevyanko Tetiana Mykhailivna
Positione: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Zolotarenko Tetyana Oleksandrivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics
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Sukhomlynskyi studies sector
Sukhomlynska Olha Vasylivna
Position: Chief Researcher
Academic Degree: Full Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Rank: Professor
Research Interests: Pedagogy, History of Education, Methodology of Historical-Pedagogical Research, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics, Sukhomlynsky Studies
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Sukhomlynska Lesia Vitaliivna
Position: Senior Researcher
Research Interests: History of Education, Pedagogical Source Studies, Biographistics, Sukhomlynsky Studies
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Chala Nataliia Volodymyrivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Biographistics, Sukhomlynsky Studies, History of Education
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Research Projects
- “Pedagogical Biography in the Informational Educational-Scientific Space of Ukraine” (2023–2025), Research Supervisor: Larisa D. Berezivska, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
- “Pedagogical Science and Education in Individuals, Documents, Bibliography” (2020–2022), Research Supervisor: Larisa D. Berezivska, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
- “Reflection of the Development of National Education and Pedagogical Thought in Printed and Electronic Publications” (2017–2019), Research Supervisor: Olga V. Sukhomlynska, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine.
The main works
- Anthology of texts on education reform in Ukraine: programs, concepts, projects (1991–2017): reading book / the NAES of Ukraine, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [ed.: Sukhomlynska O.V., Berezivska L.D., Gavrylenko T.L. and others. ; scient. ed.: Sukhomlynska O.V., Berezivska L.D.]. – Vinnytsia: Works, 2019. – 525 p. – URL: _reforming_education_in_Ukraine_2019.pdf.
- Berezivska L.D. General secondary education reform in Ukraine in the ХХth century through the prism of source studies: scientific auxiliary bibliographical index/ L.D. Berezivska; the NAES of Ukraine, Department of the General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine. – Vinnytsia: TVORY Ltd., 2019. – 251 p. – URL:
- National and patriotic education in Ukraine: scientific and auxiliary bibliographical index / the NAES of Ukraine, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [author’s opening chapter: Bekh I.D., Zhurba K.O.; compilers.: Straihorodska L.I., Ponomarenko L.O., Tarnavska S.V. and others; scient. ed. Berezivska L.D.; bibliogr. ed. Ponomarenko L.O.]. – Kyiv, 2019. – 368 p. – URL:
_patriotic_education_2019.pdf. - Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi: to the 100th anniversary of his birth: biobibliographical index / the NAES of Ukraine, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; edited by: O.V. Sukhomlynska, L.D. Berezivska, L.I. Straihorodska, and others; scient. consultant O.V. Sukhomlynska; scient. ed. L.D. Berezivska; bibliogr. ed. Ye. F. Demyda. – Vinnytsia: TVORY, 2018. – 395 p.− (Series “Outstanding teachers of the world”; Issue 12). – URL: 2018.pdf.
- Preschool education as a component of the system of continuing education of Ukraine (2007–2014): scientific and auxiliary bibliographical index. Issue 2 / the NAES of Ukraine, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [ed .: Straihorodska L.I., Filimonova T.V., Tarnavska S.V. and others; scient. consultant Gavrysh N.V.; scient. ed. Berezivska L.D.; bibliogr. ed. Straihorodska L.I.]. – Kyiv, 2016. – 364 p. – URL:
- Specialized scientific councils as a component of the development of the Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (1994–2014): [scientific and auxiliary index] / the NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine, Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine; [ed .: L.D. Berezivska, T.L. Gavrylenko, L.M. Zalitok… O.S. Pokusova and others]; scient. consultant O.V. Sukhomlynska; scient. ed .: L.D. Berezivska, O.M. Topuzov]. – Kyiv: Institute of Pedagogy of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, 2016. – 452 p. – URL:
- Higher education in Ukraine in the conditions of the society transformation: state, problems, development trends, 2012–2013: scientific and auxiliary bibliographic index. Issue 3 / NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [ed.: Ponomarenko L.O., Filimonova T.V., Khopta S.M. and others; scient. ed. Berezivska L.D.; bibliogr. ed. Ponomarenko L.O.]. – Kyiv, 2015. – 341 p. – URL:
- Calendar of significant and memorable dates in the field of education and pedagogical science for 2016 / the NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [ed .: Filimonova T.V., Tarnavska S.V.; scient. ed. Berezivska L.D.]. – Kyiv, 2015. – 214 p. – URL:
- Modern technologies in education. Part 1. Modern teaching technologies: scientific and auxiliary bibliographical index. Issue 2 / the NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [ed .: Filimonova T.V., Tarnavska S.V., Oryshchenko I.O. and others.; scient. consultant Antonova O.Ye; scient. ed. Berezivska L.D.]. – Kyiv, 2015. – 377 p. – URL:
Collections of scientific events materials
- Regional dimensions of educational space development in Ukraine: collection of materials of the scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education, October 23. 2019 / the NAES of Ukraine, Department of General Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine [and others; editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Lapayenko S.V., Sukhomlynska O.V., Tarnavska S.V.]. – Kyiv: [V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2019. – 32 p. – To the 20th anniversary of V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and EducationalLibrary of Ukraine. – URL:
- Forms of representation of sources on the History of Education (to the 20th anniversary of V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine): collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar, May 15. 2019 / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Lapayenko S.V., Sukhomlynska O.V., Tarnavska S.V.; lit. ed. Khopta S.M.]. – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2019. – 89 p. – URL: Forms_of_representation_of_sources_2019_25_06.pdf.
- Historiography as an important component of research on the History of Education: European and domestic dimensions: collection of materials of the scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Lapayenko S.V., Sukhomlynska O.V., Tarnavska S.V.; lit. ed. Derevyanko T.M.]. – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2018. – 32 p. – URL:
- Sources and historiography on transformational processes in the educational space of Ukraine (1991–2017): collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine DNPB [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Lapayenko S.V., Sukhomlynska O.V., Tarnavska S.V.; lit. ed. Derevyanko T.M.]. – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2018. – 66 p – URL:
- Modern requirements for the organization and conduct of historical and pedagogical research: collection of materials of the scientific and methodologist. seminar / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Lapayenko S.V., Sukhomlynska O.V., Tarnavska S.V.; lit. ed. Derevyanko T.M.]. – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2017. – 28 p. – URL: _and_conducting_researches.2017.pdf.
- Development of education in the days of the Ukrainian revolution (1917–1921): collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Zozulya S.M., Straihorodska L.I.; lit. ed. Mosya I.A.]. – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2017. – 103 p. – URL:
- Ukrainian teachers on the national and patriotic education: collection of materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine [etc.]; [editorial board: Berezivska L.D. (Chairperson), Zozulya S.M., Filimonova T.V.; lit. ed. Redko-Shpak L.V.; reviewers: Sukhomlynska O.V., Kolyada N.M.] – Kyiv: [V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine], 2016. – 60 p. – URL:ЗБІРНИК-ОСТАТОЧНИЙ.pdf.
The main activities
- Round table “Photos as a source of disclosure of school activities in Pavlysh: what ancient photos say” (November 20, 2019).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/21768-2/
- Scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education “Regional dimensions of development of the educational space in Ukraine” (October 23, 2019).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/21535-2/
- All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Forms of representation of sources on the History of Education” (May 15, 2019).наукові-заходи/семінари/20233-2/
- Round table “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in literature and art” (April 18, 2019).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/20147-2/
- Presentation of the biobibliographic index “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi: to the 100th anniversary of his birth” (October 24, 2018).наукові-заходи/семінари/17152-2/
- Scientific and methodological seminar “Historiography as an important component of research on the History of Education: European and domestic dimensions” (October 23, 2018).наукові-заходи/семінари/18860-2/
- Round table “I am giving my heart to children” (to the 50th anniversary of the book publication) (September 13, 2018).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/18319-2/
- All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Sources and historiography on transformational processes in the educational space of Ukraine (1991-2017)” (May 16, 2018).наукові-заходи/семінари/17561-2/
- Round table “They write to Sukhomlynskyi” (epistolary heritage of the educator) (April 16, 2018).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/17340-2/
- Scientific and practical seminar “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi and modern preschool” (to the 100th anniversary of his birth) (March 30, 2018).наукові-заходи/семінари/17152-2/
- Scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education “Modern requirements for the organization and conduct of historical and pedagogical research” (October 25, 2017).наукові-заходи/семінари/15183-2/
- Round table “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi “Difficult destinies: reading together” (to the 50th anniversary of the book publication) (September 25, 2017).наукові-заходи/круглі-столи/14646-2/
- All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Development of education in the days of the Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921)” (May 17, 2017).наукові-заходи/семінари/13309-2/
- Scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education (March 30, 2017).наукові-заходи/семінари/12986-2/
- All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Ukrainian teachers on the national and patriotic education” (May 18, 2016).
- Berezivska L.D. The choice of the international community – the History of Pedagogy / L.D. Berezivska //Osvita i suspilstvo. – 2019. – June. (№ 6). – P. 4.
- Berezivska L.D. Department of the History of Education / L.D. Berezivska, S.V. Tarnavska // V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine: achievements and prospects (2015–2019): [information guide] / the NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [scient. ed. L.D. Berezivska; authors: L.D. Berezivska, L.I. Straihorodska, S.M. Kravchenko and others]. – Vinnytsia: TVORY Ltd., 2019. – P. 20–22. – To the 20th anniversary of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine – URL:
- Berezivska L.D. V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine as an integrator and distributor of Sukhomlynskyi studies in the information space of Ukraine / L.D. Berezivska // Scientific notes. Series: Pedagogical sciences: [col. of scient. works] / Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. – Kropyvnytskyi, 2018. – Issue. 171. – P. 28–34. – URL:Інтегратор
%20і%20поширювач%20сухомлиністики.pdf. - Berezivska L.D. The activity of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine of the NAES of Ukraine (1999–2019): achievements and prospects of development / L.D. Berezivska // Information support of education and science: to the 20th anniversary of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine: collection of materials of the International. scientific-practical conference / V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [editor: Berezivska L.D. (Head of the editorial board), Lapayenko S.V. and others]. – Kyiv, 2019. – P. 6–12. – URL:
- Berezivska L.D. The activities of the scientific library in the Year of Sukhomlynskyi / L.D. Berezivska // Osvita i suspilstvo. – 2019. – March (№ 3). – P. 12.
- Berezivska L.D. On scientific and scientific and organizational activity of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine for 2015–2019 and the prospects of its development / L.D. Berezivska // Bulletin of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine / NAES Of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2019. – № 1. – URL:
- Berezivska L.D. Modern Library: (interview with the Osvita i suspilstvo newspaper) / L.D. Berezivska // Osvita i suspilstvo. – 2019. – № 9. – P. 6–7.– URL:
- Gavrylenko T.L. All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “The development of education in the days of the Ukrainian Revolution (1917-1921)” (to the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian Revolution) / T.L. Gavrylenko // Naukovo-pedahohichni studii / ch. ed .: L.D. Berezivska, I.M. Shorobura. – Kyiv, 2018. – Issue. 1. – P. 111–116. – URL:
- Gavrylenko T.L. Scientific and methodological seminar on the History of Education / T.L. Gavrylenko //Ridna Shkola. – 2017. – / 5/6. – P. 78–79.
- Gavrylenko T.L. Organization of scientific and methodological seminars on the History of Education as a direction of activity of the Department of the History of Education of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine / T.L. Gavrylenko // Naukovo-pedahohichni studii / ch. ed.: L.D. Berezivska, I.M. Shorobura. – Kyiv, 2018. – Issue. 1. – P. 116–117. – URL:
- Smilyanska A. The State Scientific and Pedagogical Library Preserves the Legacy of Sukhomlynskyi / Anna Smilyanska // Golos Ukrayiny. – 2019. – October 8. – URL:
- Starykova L.V. Areas of cooperation of the Foundation of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine with educational institutions / L.V. Starykova // Information support of Ukraine’s sphere of education: reporting scientific and practical conference of V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine, December 26, 2017, Kyiv: abstracts / the NAES of Ukraine, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine; [editorial board: L.D. Berezivska (Chairperson), S.M. Zozulya (Deputy chair), S.V. Lapayenko (executive secretary) and others]. – Kyiv, 2018. – P. 41–42. – URL:
- Sukhomlynska L.V. On the visit of educators from the People’s Republic of China to the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and V. O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine / Sukhomlynska Lesya Vitaliyivna // Bulletin of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. – 2019. – Issue 1. – URL:
- Tarnavska S.V. Vasyl Sukhomlynsky and modern preschool / Snizhana Tarnavska // Pedahohichna hazeta. – 2018. – March – April (№ 2). – P. 3. – To the 100th anniversary of the Pavlysh educator.
- Tarnavska S.V. From historiography to modernization: [about All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar “Sources and historiography about transformation processes in the educational space of Ukraine (1991–2017)”, May 16, 2018] / S.V. Tarnavska // Osvita. – 2018. – May 9–16. (№ 16/18). – P. 3.
- Tarnavska S.V. Activity of the Department of the History of Education [V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine] / Snizhana Tarnavska // Pedahohichna hazeta. – 2019. – May – June (№ 3). – P. 7.
- Tarnavska S.V. Ideas of Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in the practice of modern environment: about a scientific and practical seminar, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine, March 30, 2018 / S.V. Tarnavska // Scientific and pedagogical studies / ed.: L.D. Berezivska, I.M. Shorobura. – Kyiv, 2018. – Issue. 2. – P. 140–143. – URL:
- Tarnavska S.V. Transformational processes in the educational space of Ukraine (1991–2017): sources and historiography: about the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical seminar, V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine, May 16, 2018 / S.V. Tarnavska // Scientific and pedagogical studies / ch. ed .: L.D. Berezivska, I.M. Shorobura. – Kyiv, 2018. – Issue. 2. – P. 146–149. – URL:
- Filimonova T.V. Return of forgotten names: [about the round table dedicated to Ya. F Chepiha] / [T. V. Filimonova] // Osvita Ukrainy. – 2015. – April 27 (№ 17). – P. 3.
- Filimonova T.V. Ukrainian educators about national and patriotic education / T.V. Filimonova // Pedahohichna hazeta. – 2016. – № 3. – P. 9.
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