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Rare Editions

One of the main tasks of V. Sukhomlynskyi SSEL of Ukraine is to provide access to the documents on professional issues which are of great scientific, historical and cultural importance. There is a collection of rare editions (CRE) in the library which consists of 28,081 items.

Taking into consideration socio-cultural
significance and importance of the collected editions and necessity to preserve and introduce them into the scientific world,
this collection was given the status of a “scientific object which constitutes a national heritage of Ukraine” according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1709 adopted on 19 December 2001.rare_books_1

The CRE contains books, booklets and periodicals published till 1945.

The following oldest editions constitute the gem of the collection: “Philosophy” by Seneca (1615), “The New Testament” (1714) published in Latin; the photocopy of “Beseda izbrannaya o vospitaniyi chad” (“Conversation about Education of Children”) by St. John Chrysostom (1609); “Kratkoye rukovodstvo k narechiyu” (“Brief Guide to Eloquence”) by M.V. Lomonosov (1748); lifetime editions written by outstanding teachers (M. Pyrohov, K. Ushynskyi, S. Rusova, T. Lubenets), psychologists (V. Bekhterev, I. Sikorskyi, V. Vahner, H. Chelpanov), writers (P. Kulish, V. Vynnychenko, O. Konyskyi), historians (D. Bantysh-Comenskyi, I. Ohiyenko, V. Shcherbyna).

Philosophy by Seneca (in Latin), 1615

Philosophy by Seneca (in Latin), 1615

The New Testament (in Latin), 1714

The New Testament (in Latin), 1714

The following collections were organized in the CRE: “Pedagogics”, “Psychology”, “School Textbooks and Manuals”, “Periodicals Published in 1807 –1917”.

The Rare Editions Sector (RES) was formed within the Department of Scientific Arrangement and Storage of Holdings in order to work with the documents kept in the CRE. Here are the main activities performed by the researches of the RES: scientific formation, storage, use and preservation of the CRE, creation of electronic database for the rare editions stored in the library, development of instructive and methodological materials on the CRE management.

In 2010 the formation of the electronic catalogue of rare editions. Today the database contains more than 6,000 records.

The electronic copies of rare editions are made for user service; it gives an opportunity to use documents in the process of scientific research without causing physical damage to the documents. There are 1,145 1145 full-text documents on pedagogical, psychological and historical-cultural problems and 300 textbook editions. Also the first attempt was made in electronic document delivery to remote users.

The collection under the title “Pedagogics” includes the documents on history of pedagogics, pedagogical psychology, didactics, methodology of teaching, social pedagogics, pedagogics of primary, secondary, vocational and higher education, school curriculums; there are also works written by the prominent teachers of the past (J.A. Comenius, J. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, J. Locke, T. Prokopovych, O. Dukhnovych, K. Ushynskyi, M. Pyrohov, M. Korf, S. Rusova, A. Makarenko, H. Vashchenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi, and others).

845 editions of the collection are digitized and available on the local network of the library.

Lubenets T. Pedahohicheskiye besedy (Pedagogical Talks), 1913

Lubenets T. Pedahohicheskiye besedy (Pedagogical Talks), 1913

Lutskevich A.A. Svod zakonopolozheniyi i rasporiazheniyi o chastnykh uchilischakh i domashnem obucheniyi (Code of Laws and Ordinances on Private Schools and Home Education), 1901

Lutskevich A.A. Svod zakonopolozheniyi i rasporiazheniyi o chastnykh uchilischakh i domashnem obucheniyi (Code of Laws and Ordinances on Private Schools and Home Education), 1901

Kapterev P.F. Sovremennyye pedahohicheskiye techeniya (Modern Pedagogical Trends), 1913

Kapterev P.F. Sovremennyye pedahohicheskiye techeniya (Modern Pedagogical Trends), 1913

Modzalevskii L.N. Ocherk istoriyi vospitaniya i obucheniya s drevneishykh do nashykh vremion (A Brief History of Education and Training from the Earliest Times to the Present Day), 1892

Modzalevskii L.N. Ocherk istoriyi vospitaniya i obucheniya s drevneishykh do nashykh vremion (A Brief History of Education and Training from the Earliest Times to the Present Day), 1892

The collection under the title “Psychology” includes the works on the history, formation and development of psychology written by national and foreign psychologists such as V. Bekhterev, O. Vvedenskyi, O. Ben, V. Vahner, M. Zelenskyi, H. Chelpanov, I. Sikorskii, and others.

The following editions have been digitized and are introduced in the local network of the library:

Bohdanov, A. (1904). Iz psikholohiyi obschestva (On Social Psychology). St. Petersburg.

Baldwin, J.M.  An Introduction to Psychology (Russ. ed.: Boldvin Dzh. M. (1912) Vvedeniye v psikholohiyu. M.).

Vahner V. (1896) Voprosy zoopsikholohiyi (Problems in Zoopsychology). St. Petersburg.

Sikorskii I.A. Sbornik nauchno-literaturnykh statei po voprosam obschestvennoi psikholohiyi, vospitaniya… (Collection of Research Articles on Social Psychology, Education…), 1899 I

Sikorskii I.A. Sbornik nauchno-literaturnykh statei po voprosam obschestvennoi psikholohiyi, vospitaniya… (Collection of Research Articles on Social Psychology, Education…), 1899 I

Snihiriov V. Psikholohiya (Psychology), 1893

Snihiriov V. Psikholohiya (Psychology), 1893

Ben A. Dusha i Telo (Body and Soul), 1900

Ben A. Dusha i Telo (Body and Soul), 1900

The collection under the title “School Textbooks and Manuals” includes the documents prepared by national teachers and issued in 1748 – 1998.

Lubenets T. Sbornik arifmeticheskikh zadach dlia nachalnoho prepodavaniya arifmetiki v narodnykh uchilischakh (Collection of Arithmetical Problems for Public Primary Schools), 1880

Lubenets T. Sbornik arifmeticheskikh zadach dlia nachalnoho prepodavaniya arifmetiki v narodnykh uchilischakh (Collection of Arithmetical Problems for Public Primary Schools), 1880

Hramatka, 1857

Hramatka, 1857

Among them are textbooks written by L. Yashchenko (“Hramatyka dlia ukrainskoho narodu” (“Grammar for the Ukrainian People”) (1862), O. Konyskyi (“Arykhmetyka abo shchotnytsia” (“Arithmetic”) (1862, 1863), “Russkaya pervaya yazykouchebnaya chitanka” (“the First Russian Reader”) (Lviv, 1869), A. Dmitriyev (“Prakticheskiye uprazhneniya v heometriyi” (“Practical Exercises in Geometry”) (St. Petersburg, 1877). The gem of the collection is “Hramatka” (kulishivka) (“Grammar”) (1857) prepared by P. Kulish – a Ukrainian writer, literary critic, folklorist, ethnographer, linguist, teacher, cultural worker, and translator.


Two catalogues were created for those researches and educationalists who are interested in the history of development of education and creation of national textbooks; they are
rare_books_14“Textbooks and Manuals for Primary and Secondary Schools (1748–1917) in the Collections of V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine”
rare_books_15and “Textbooks and Manuals in Humanities for Primary and Secondary Schools (1918 –1945) from the Collection of V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine”

Full-text database amounts to about 300 textbook editions and is presented in the local network of the library.

The collection under the title “Periodicals Published in 1807 –1917” includes over 200 titles and 130 of them are of pedagogical and psychological problems. Among them are periodicals in Russian and Ukrainian published in Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the Russian Empire.

Almost complete sets of the following periodicals are presented in the collection: “Zhurnal Ministerstva Narodnoho Prosvescheniya” (“Journal of the Ministry of National Education”), “Vestnik vospitaniya” (“Educational Herald”), “Kiyevskaya starina” (“Kievan Past”), “Russkaya shkola” (“Russian School”), “Svitlo” (“Light”), “Semya i shkola” (“Family and School”), “Narodnoye obrazovaniye” (“Popular Education”), and others.




A complete list of journals with detailed description is presented in a historical and bibliographical study under the title “Zhurnaly psykholoho-pedahohichnoyi tematyky 19 – pochatku 20 stolittia z fondu Derzhavnoyi naukovo-pedahohichnoyi biblioteky imeni V.O. Sukhomlynskoho”.
(“Journals of Psychology and Pedagogics Published in the 19th – the early 20th century from the Collection of V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine”).



In 2016 a room-museum of rare books was opened in the library.



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