Demkov Mykola Ivanovych
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An outstanding Ukrainian pedagogue, teacher, organizer of education, historian of pedagogy, methodologist. For the first time the teacher collected, processed and analyzed significant factual material on the history of education and school in Ukraine and Russia. He singled out a number of laws, summarizing and systematizing the pedagogical achievements of J. Comenius, J. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau and others in the book “History of Russian pedagogy”. In his historical and pedagogical works M.I. Demkov convincingly showed the desire of the Ukrainian people for knowledge, their original culture and education. The scientist created a fundamental psychological and pedagogical system of education, which he revealed in the work “System of Education”. His activities were aimed at training teachers, performing scientific and educational work. The work of an outstanding scientist is a treasure trove of valuable materials, opinions and advice that are still relevant today.