Бібліотека це дзеркало і джерело духовної культури

9 M.Berlynskoho Street Kyiv 04060 Ukraine 380 (44) 467-22-14 Library Location Map

General Reading Room

is a structural subdivision of the library’s collection storage and user service department. It was established in 2000 to provide prompt service to readers.

Procedure for Visiting Reading Rooms

1. Upon entering the reading room, the user must:

  • deposit outerwear and bags (larger than 20×30 cm) in the cloakroom;
  • in case of bringing personal computer equipment or documents (on traditional or electronic media) necessary for work in the Library’s reading room, the user must register it with the duty librarian and obtain a written permission mark on the control sheet.
  • present the ticket and control sheet to the library staff member in the reading room.

1.2. Upon leaving the reading room, the user must:

  • present the control sheet with stamps indicating the return of library documents to the user registration desk of the departments/services used;
  • in case of temporary exit outside the Library, leave the control sheet at the reader registration desk, informing about their return within the day.

2. Rules for Handling Documents in Reading Rooms

2.1. Library documents are provided to Library users for temporary use for work only in reading rooms.

2.2. To obtain documents from the Library’s collection for work in reading rooms, the user must:

  • independently (or with the help of the duty bibliographer) search through the Library’s catalog systems, card catalogs, and databases;
  • fill out request forms (two copies for one document) neatly, clearly, legibly (only by hand) in the original language, provided that documents are used in open access – one copy of the request;
  • submit request forms to the librarian in the reading room.

Note: Requests that are incorrectly filled out and require revision are not accepted for processing. Consultation on correct completion of the request form is provided by the duty bibliographer.

2.3. At a time, the user is issued no more than five documents for work in reading rooms. The number of documents issued during the day is not limited.

2.4. Upon receiving the documents, the user must check their quantity and condition. In case of defects, inform the librarian who is obligated to mark the documents accordingly. Otherwise, the user is responsible for defects found in the books.

2.5. Documents cannot be taken out of the reading rooms for photocopying without the permission of the duty librarian.

2.6. Document issuance ceases 30 minutes before the Library closes.

2.7. After completing work with the Library’s documents, but no later than 10 minutes before closing the Library, the user must return the documents to the duty librarian. The return of documents is certified by the reading room stamp on the control sheet.

2.8. If further work with the documents is necessary, the user can leave them on a reserved shelf for the next 7 calendar days, provided that these documents can be provided upon request by other users.

3. Features of Open Access Documents Use

3.1. The Library provides open access to specific parts of the library collection specially designated and located for this purpose in the reading rooms, namely:

  • reference publications;
  • periodicals for the last two years;
  • new arrivals of documents;
  • publications exhibited at book exhibitions in the reading rooms of the Library.

3.2. Open access documents are provided for use only in the reading room where they are exhibited.

4. Rules for Access to Electronic Information Resources

4.1. The right to access the Library’s own and acquired electronic information resources via computers installed in reading rooms is granted to users with a library card.

4.2. Access to electronic information resources is provided via computers installed for user service in reading rooms and catalog halls.

4.3. The user has the right to:

  • use the Library’s electronic catalog;
  • use electronic guides from the Library’s collection;
  • use full-text and abstract databases created based on the Library’s collection;
  • obtain information about the availability of a specific document in the collection and information about media resources;
  • consult on search and information source selection;
  • in case of difficulty in using the equipment, seek help from the duty consultant.

4.4. Consultations on searching information in electronic resources are provided by the duty librarian/bibliographer.

4.5. PC usage ceases 15 minutes before the Library closes.

4.6. Library users are allowed to:

  • use only the software installed on computers in reading rooms and catalog halls;
  • connect to library computers only modern information carriers – usb flash drives, with the permission of the duty librarian/bibliographer;
  • use their own portable computers on condition of not using sound signals.

4.7. When using computers in reading rooms and catalog halls, library users are not allowed to:

  • connect electronic devices that may damage computers or impair their operation;
  • use outdated information carriers: floppy disks, optical discs, etc.;
  • install and use third-party software, as well as damage or modify the configured computer hardware or software;
  • move computer system units;
  • use the computer for purposes unrelated to information search;
  • clutter the workspace near the computer.

5. Features of Rare Editions Document Use:

  • the right to use rare documents is granted to library users with a library card;
  • working with rare editions is allowed only in the reading room;
  • in case of temporarily leaving the reading room, the user must submit all received documents to the duty librarian.

5.1. Rare edition documents are not issued through the MBA and personal subscription.

5.2. When working with rare edition documents, it is not allowed to:

  • take them out of the reading room;
  • leave many bookmarks as it deforms the book block;
  • bend the book along the spine;
  • fold the corners of the pages;
  • cut uncut pages yourself.

5.3. Rare documents are not subject to copying, scanning, or photographing.

5.4. If an electronic copy is available, originals of rare edition documents are not issued.


Reading Room Collection contains dictionaries, national encyclopaedias, reference literature (747 items in total); periodicals issued during the current year (the list includes 336 journal titles and 66 newspaper titles).

Users have access to the documents from the General Reading Room Collection and library holdings

Reading Room is also used for arranging:

presentations, meetings with prominent figures of pedagogical science, education, culture and librarianship


personal, subject and permanent book exhibitions

teachers’ meetings, readings, round tables in cooperation with the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, different educational establishments




Dear colleagues!
We invite you to actively participate in the the First International Scientific and Practical Conference
which will be held on 15 May 2025.
Details in the information letter.
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Our questionnaire

Dear users!

ДНПБ України
імені В. О. Сухомлинського НАПН України прагне створити сучасний науково-освітній та культурний простір, що сприятиме якісному забезпеченню Ваших інформаційних потреб.

Please take part in the anonymous survey! 

Your answers will help us to improve library and information services to users and will serve to improve the scientific and information support of education, pedagogy, psychology.


No meeting rooms are currently available to join.


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