Department of Scientific Information and Analytical Support of Education
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About the Department:
The Department was formed by merging the departments of Scientific Information and Analytical Support of Education, Scientific Information and Bibliographic Activities, Information and Communication Technologies and Scientometrics. It is the legal successor of the Department of Abstract and Analytical Information in Education established in 2015, which in turn was created by reorganising the Department of Scientific and Analytical Information and Dissemination of Information in Education and the Department of Scientific and Abstract Information. The establishment of this structural unit of the library (2006) was motivated by the growing place and role of information analytics in all spheres of society, including the library environment. Over the following years, the content and directions of the department’s work were clarified and deepened, and the internal structure was improved to best embody its main scientific purpose and practical functions.
The department is the main structural unit of the Library for performing fundamental and applied research in accordance with the main scientific areas of research in pedagogical sciences in Ukraine approved by the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (NAPS of Ukraine), and in the field of branch librarianship, bibliography, book science and information activities in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the formation and execution of orders for research at the expense of state funds.
The purpose of the department:
Formation and implementation of a system of scientific information and analytical support for pedagogy and psychology of education in Ukraine in the context of globalisation, digitalisation and European integration processes.
Main areas of activity of the department:
- Scientific work (fundamental and applied research aimed at achieving a scientific or scientific-applied result – new knowledge gained in the course of scientific research and recorded in the form of a report, scientific paper, scientific report, scientific communication on the results of scientific research, etc;)
- Implementation and monitoring of the implementation of research results (the procedure for organising, controlling and monitoring the implementation of the results of fundamental and applied research is regulated by the Regulation ‘On the Implementation of Research Results by the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine’ and ‘Methodological Recommendations for Monitoring the Implementation of Research Results by the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine’);
- Scientific cooperation (involves participation in establishing creative ties with scientific institutions of the NAES of Ukraine, educational institutions of all types and levels of accreditation, libraries of all types and kinds, other organisations regardless of ownership (including foreign ones) in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine);
- Conducting mass scientific and practical events (organisation and participation in mass scientific and practical events of various levels (conferences, seminars, competitions, exhibitions, round tables, discussion clubs, etc;);
- Mass media and public relations (relations with mass media and the public through publishing the results of its activities on information stands and in mass media; filling the Department’s page on the Library’s web portal and other information resources created to cover and support the activities of the Department on the Internet with relevant scientific information).
Main tasks of the department:
- Conducting scientific research in the field of formation and implementation of the system of information and analytical support of pedagogy, psychology and education of Ukraine in the context of global information influences.
- Generalisation of domestic and foreign experience of information and analytical activities of branch libraries, study and dissemination of new progressive forms and methods of activity of analytical departments (services) on specialised issues.
- Development of corporate, creative relations, business contacts, interaction with educational libraries of Ukraine on abstracting issues, as well as with leading Ukrainian think tanks in the relevant field.
- Studying the dynamics and synthesis of scientific and pedagogical information related to the implementation of national educational concepts, reforming the educational process in Ukraine and abroad through monitoring of educational media and Internet resources.
- Continuous monitoring of the current legislation of Ukraine on education, science and culture through the use of scientific approaches, including empirical ones.
- Conducting bibliometric research 1 using statistical methods to study the flow of scientific documents (books, periodicals, etc.) in order to identify trends in the development of subject areas, peculiarities of authorship and mutual influence of publications.
- Creating electronic resources for the Library’s web portal within the competence of the Department.
- Providing methodological and practical assistance to specialists of educational libraries in creating analytical information with regard to innovative technologies.
- Implementation of the results of scientific research of the V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSL into the practice of the network of educational libraries of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
- Monitoring the implementation of research results on completed research carried out in the Department into the practice of the network of educational libraries.
- Expanding cooperation with libraries of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, educational institutions of various accreditation levels, and other organisations in the following areas: examination (review) of research papers, abstracts, dissertations, scientific publications, articles, manuscripts of scientific products, dissertation opposition, etc.; participation of the Department’s employees in the work of expert councils, commissions, and specialised councils for the defence of doctoral and candidate of science dissertations; participation in international scientific conferences, seminars, competitions, exhibitions, and other public events; publication of research results that are not confidential information in foreign scientific journals.
Position title: Research Manager
Scientific degree: Ph. D (in Education)
Academic title: Senior Researcher
Sub-topic of the study:
Digital Transformation of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff (2023-2025)
Scientific interests:information and analytical support of education, pedagogy, and psychology; information technology, ontological modelling, transdisciplinary methodology of training scientific personnel, theory and methods of vocational education, engineering psychology
ORCID Google Академія Scopus WoS ЕБ НАПН України BUN0026865 Portfolio
Position title: Leading Researcher
Scientific degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic title: Professor
Sub-topic of the study:
Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Information and Analytical Support of Psychology ofEducation and Self-Education (2024-2025)
Scientific interests: Information and Analytical Support, Communications, Psychology-Pedagogical Sciences, Education
ORCID Google Академія Scopus WoS ЕБ НАПН України BUN0057648 Portfolio
Position title: Senior Researcher
Scientific degree: DrSci (in Education)
Academic title: Professor
Sub-topic of the study:
Intelligent and cloud technologies as tools for digital transformation of education and pedagogy (2023-2025)
Scientific interests: information and analytical support, intelligent systems, cloud technologies, education quality monitoring
Coordinator for International Activities and Knowledge Transfer
ORCID Google Academy BUN0022712 Scopus WoS DLNAES of Ukraine Portfolio
Position title: Researcher
Sub-topic of the study:
Current Aspects of digital Transformation of Education and Pedagogy (2023-2025)
Scientific interests: Information and analytical support for education and pedagogy, ICT, psychological sciences
ORCID Google Academy BUN0037754 DLNAES of Ukraine Portfolio
Position title: Senior Researcher
Scientific degree: Ph. D (in Education)
Academic title: Senior Researcher
Sub-topic of the study:
Information and Analytical Support for the Digital Transformation of Higher Education and Higher Education Pedagogy (2023-2025)
Scientific interests: ontology, ICT
ORCID Google Academy BUN0018099 Scopus WoS ЕБ НАПН України Portfolio
Position title Junior Senior Researcher
Sub-topic of the study:
Professional Pedagogy in the Realities of Digital Transformation of Education (2023-2025)
Scientific interests: information and analytical support of education and pedagogy, ukrainian language (philology), ICT
ORCID Google Академія BUN0058345 ЕБ НАПН України Портфоліо
Position title: Senior Researcher
Scientific degree DrSci (in History)
Sub-topic of the study:
Historiography of the Development of Military Psychology as a Science in the Context of Information and Analytical Support for the Training of Military Psychologists (2024-2025)
Scientific interests: information and analytical support, historiography, source studies, oriental studies, military psychology, training of military psychologists
ORCID Google Академія Scopus WoS ЕБ НАПН України Портфоліо
Position title: Senior Researcher
Scientific degree: Ph.D in Education (Pedagogy)
Academic title: Associate Professor
Sub-topic of the study:
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Information and Analytical Support for Inclusive Education (2024-2025)
Scientific interests: Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, Inclusive Education and Inclusive Culture, Interaction of Participants in the Educational Process, Pedagogical Skills.
ORCID Google Academy BUN0058948
Position title: Researcher
Scientific degree: Ph. D (in Social Communicaton)
Sub-topic of the study:
Main aspects of monitoring the research activities of a scientist in the context of digital transformation of the research space (2023-2025).
Scientific interests: social communications, scientometrics, bibliometrics
ORCID Google Академія BUN0006525 Scopus WoS ЕБ НАПН України Портфоліо
Position title: Junior Senior Researcher
Sub-topic of the study:
Information and analytical support for the training of educators to provide first psychological aid in wartime and post-war periods (2024-2025).
Scientific interests: pedagogy, psychology, library science
ORCID Google Academy BUN0006525 ЕБ НАПН України Портфоліо
- «Information and Analytical Support for the Digital Transformation of Education and Pedagogy: Domestic and Foreign Experience»(2023–2025), scientific supervisor – Ph. D (in Education), Senior Researcher L. Rostoka.
- «Information and Analytical Support of Psychological Science in the War and Post-War Periods of Ukraine», (2024–2025),
scientific supervisor (2024–2025) – DrSci (in Education), Professor O. P. Luchaninova,
scientific supervisor (2024) – Ph. D (in Education), Associate Professor I. E. Kovalenko. - «Bibliographical and analytical support of the activities of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine on scientific and methodological support for the modernisation and reform of education» (2020–2022),
scientific supervisor (2021-2022) – Ph. D (in Education), Senior Researcher С. V. Lapayenko.
scientific supervisor (2020-2021) – Ph. D (in History), Senior Researcher А. V. Seletskyi,
- «Scientific and information support of the educational sector in the context of European integration and globalisation processes»(2017–2019), scientific supervisor – D (in History), Senior Researcher А. V. Seletskyi.
Department of Scientific Information and Analytical Support of Education
Tel.: +380 (44) 453-85-17; +380 (96) 768-47-07
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