Department of Collection Storage and User Services
Purpose and Activities of the Department of Collection Storage and User Services
The goal of the department is to organize the long-term preservation of the national sectoral information resource, its formation, and utilization to meet the informational needs of users; as well as to provide information services to users.
- Information Services for Users
- Reference and Bibliographic Services for Users
- Database Formation
- Consultative and Methodological Work
- Cultural and Educational Activities
- Comprehensive and prompt library, reference, bibliographic, and information services for all categories of users according to their informational requests.
- Organize access to documentary information sources of libraries with various departmental affiliations based on coordination and cooperation (via personal subscription and interlibrary loan, by exchanging bibliographic records of documents).
- Provide scientific and informational support to the educational sector with bibliographic, abstract, and analytical documents on current issues of national and international education development in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European and global educational space.
- Provide electronic document delivery and paid services for one-time requests from remote users.
- Organize and maintain the reference and search apparatus according to the specifics and requirements of reading rooms.
- Provide consultative and methodological assistance on information search in catalogs, electronic scientific and informational resources of the Library, databases of the electronic catalog of the Library, and online scientific and informational resources subscribed to by the Library.
- Promote and reveal the sectoral library and informational resource of the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine by organizing book exhibitions (virtual, traditional, mobile).
- Study users’ informational needs, the effectiveness of the Library’s collection use, local and remote electronic resources through annual surveys.
- Develop instructive-methodological, technological, and normative documents that regulate the production processes and labor activities of the Department’s staff.
- Cultivate users’ scientific and informational culture.
- Form a unified database of information about the Library’s readers according to the current “General Rules for Using the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine”.
- Conduct activities to enhance the professional training of the Department’s staff.
- Organize the library collection to ensure its quality use.
- Identify key directions for the organization of long-term preservation, conservation, and protection of the library collection, including a scientific object that is the national heritage of Ukraine.
- Form the “Rare Books” database.
- Form the “Periodicals” database.
- Develop the sectoral abstract database of the electronic catalog of the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine, participate in filling the sectoral abstract segment of the national abstract journal “Dzherelo” and the all-Ukrainian abstract database “Ukrainika naukova.”
- Provide consultative and methodological assistance to Library staff and the network of educational libraries of Ukraine, and study, summarize, and implement in the Department’s work the experience of leading domestic and foreign libraries in user services and document storage.
Bondarchuk Oksana Borysivna
Position: Head of the Department
Education: Higher, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Faculty of Foreign Languages (1996)
Professional Activity:
– Since 2020 – Head of the Department of Collection Storage and User Services
– 2017-2019 – Head of the Department of Scientific Organization and Collection Storage of the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine
– 2010-2016 – Head of the Rare Editions Sector of the V. Sukhomlynsky State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine
– 2007-2010 – Research Fellow of the Department of Scientific Organization and Collection Storage
– 2001-2007 – Head of Library No. 13 of the Solomyansky Centralized Library System in Kyiv
– 1992-2000 – Librarian of Children’s Library No. 2 of the Chernivtsi Centralized Library System
Scientific Interests: Bibliology, Library Science, Pedagogical Source Studies
Alla Yosypivna Averyanova
Chief Librarian
Nataliya Volodymyrivna Horshkova
Chief Librarian
Lyudmyla Mytrophanivna Meleschenko
Chief Librarian
Lyudmyla Valeriivna Sidlyarenko
Chief Librarian
Oleksandra Vasylivna Lytovchenko
Chief Bibliographer
Alina Vyacheslavivna Zhihalyuk
Leading Librarian
Valeriya Valentynivna Fikh
Leading Librarian
Vira Borysivna Shevchenko
Leading Librarian
Nataliya Yevhenivna Sholokhova
Leading Librarian
Telephone: +380 (44) 467-22-14