Department of Scientific and Educational Information Resources
The Department of Scientific and Educational Information Resources was established in 2020 through the reorganization of three departments: the Department of Scientific and Documentary Support, Socio-Cultural Activities and International Relations, the Department of Acquisition and Scientific Processing of Documents, and the Department of Scientific and Methodological Support for the Activities of the Educational Library Network.
Purpose of the Department
The purpose of the department is to conduct scientific research on the formation and use of sectoral information resources in educational libraries in the context of transformational changes in the field of education.
Directions of Department Activities
- Scientific research.
- Implementation of scientific research results.
- Scientific collaboration.
- Organization of large-scale scientific and practical events.
- Relations with mass media and the public.
Main Tasks of the Department
- Conducting scientific research on the formation and use of sectoral information resources in educational libraries, considering the information needs of specialists in education, pedagogy, and psychology.
- Scientific processing of documents from the Library’s collections and maintaining databases that form the source base for scientific research.
- Summarizing domestic and foreign experiences in the scientific and informational activities of sectoral libraries, studying and disseminating new progressive forms and methods of activity in departments (services) on relevant issues.
- Developing creative connections, business contacts, and interactions with educational libraries in Ukraine regarding the formation and use of scientific and educational information resources in educational libraries, and scientific institutions of the appropriate orientation.
- Promoting the development and improvement of scientific, methodological, and organizational principles for the formation and use of sectoral information resources in educational libraries through the preparation of scientific, methodological, normative, instructional, and technological documents regulating processes related to the organization, preservation, and disclosure of the Library’s scientific and educational resources and the network of educational libraries, ensuring the professional information needs of Library users.
- Forming electronic resources for the library’s web portal within the department’s competence.
- Providing methodological and practical assistance to specialists in educational libraries on the formation and use of sectoral information resources in educational libraries considering innovative technologies.
- Implementing the results of scientific research by the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine into the practical work of the network of educational libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
- Expanding cooperation with libraries of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, educational institutions of various levels of accreditation, and other organizations in the following areas:
- Conducting expert reviews (peer reviews) of research projects, abstracts, dissertations, scientific publications, articles, manuscripts of scientific works, and opposing dissertations, etc.
- Participating in the work of expert councils, commissions, and specialized boards for defending doctoral and candidate dissertations.
- Participating in international scientific conferences, seminars, competitions, exhibitions, and other large-scale events.
- Publishing the results of research in foreign scientific publications that are not confidential information.
Ponomarenko Larysa Oleksandrivna
Position: Head of the Department
Academic Degree: Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications
Research Interests: Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources, Meeting the Information Needs of Education Specialists, Information Technology in Libraries
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Bondarchuk Oksana Borysivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Library Science, Information Resources, Rare and Valuable Editions, Library Collections, Scientific and Information Support for Education
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Vyshnyak Oksana Viktorivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: History of Education, Information Resources
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Zhigalyuk Angelina Vyacheslavivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Scientific and Informational Support for Education, Information Resources, Electronic Libraries
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Kovalenko Svitlana Heorhiivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Library Science, Corporate Library Activities, Authority Files, Consolidated Databases, Information Resources
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Kropocheva Natalia Mykolaivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Library Science, Scientific and Informational Activities of Libraries, Sectoral Abstract Resource, Information Resources
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Matviychuk Oksana Yevhenivna
Position: Senior Researcher
Academic Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Title: Associate Professor
Research Interests: Socio-Cultural Activities of Libraries, Information Culture of Teachers, Library and Information Support for the Educational Process, Activities of School Libraries
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Nikolaenko Yaroslava Mykolaivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Socio-Cultural Communications, Scientific and Informational and Cultural-Educational Events, Information Resources
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Pavlenko Tetiana Stepanivna
Position: Researcher
Research Interests: Socio-Cultural Communications, Studying the Information Needs of Users, Library Science, Information Resources
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Romanova Hanna Mykolaivna
Position: Leading Researcher
Academic Degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Academic Title: Professor
Research Interests: Psychological and Pedagogical Training of Future Specialists, Didactic Design, Modern Pedagogical Technologies, Professional Development of Pedagogical and Scientific-Pedagogical Staff, Scientific and Informational Support for Education
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Ruban Alla Ivanivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Library Science, Bibliography, Bibliography Studies, Book Science
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Smola Liubov Mykhailivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Scientific and Informational Support for Education, Information Resources, ICT
Shchehelska Kateryna Borysivna
Position: Junior Researcher
Research Interests: Scientific and Informational Support for Education, Information Resources, ICT
Scientific Research Projects
“Educational Libraries as a Subject of Educational Environment Design in the Context of Digitalization” (2023–2025), Scientific Supervisor: Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications L. O. Ponomarenko.
“Information Resources of Educational Libraries in the Development of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Education” (2020–2022), Scientific Supervisor: Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications L. O. Ponomarenko.
Phone: +380 (044) 239-11-09