Department of Scientific, Methodological, Sociocultural, and International Activities
In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Libraries and Librarianship” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On the Establishment of the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library,” the V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine serves as the coordination and scientific-methodological center for the network of educational libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, which encompasses over 16,000 libraries. To fulfill this function, the Department of Scientific, Methodological, Sociocultural, and International Activities has been operating within the V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine since 2000.
Main Directions of the Department’s Activities
Scientific and Methodological Activities: Developing conceptual, regulatory, and organizational-methodological documents for the network of educational libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
Coordination Activities: Ensuring the functioning of the educational library network as a unified system.
Analytical Activities: Conducting methodological monitoring to study changes in individual libraries and the entire educational library network.
Innovative Methodological Activities: Identifying and implementing library innovations to enhance the efficiency and quality of educational library operations.
Information Activities: Providing access to information resources on library science, bibliography, book science, document studies, and information activities to meet the professional needs of librarians, educators, and students.
Consultative and Methodological Assistance: Providing consultative and practical assistance to educational library specialists.
Professional Development: Organizing a system of professional development for educational library specialists using various forms and methods.
Sociocultural Activities: Establishing cooperation with educational institutions, educational and public organizations, libraries, and sociocultural entities. Conducting various large-scale scientific-methodological, practical, and cultural-educational events (conferences, seminars, round tables, webinars, workshops, master classes, training sessions, panel discussions, presentations, competitions, meetings with artists, excursions, etc.).
Exhibition Activities: Organizing art, photo, and book exhibitions.
International Activities: Establishing a broad spectrum of sociocultural connections and collaborations with foreign library-information and educational organizations and institutions.
Collaboration with Public, Educational, and Library Institutions: Participating in joint activities with the Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi Ukrainian Association, the Ukrainian Library Association, educational libraries, leading libraries from other systems and departments, and other institutions and organizations regardless of ownership form (including foreign ones).
Media and Public Relations: Establishing connections with the media and the public by publicizing the Department’s activities on information boards and in the media; updating the Department’s page on the Library’s web portal and other online information resources with current information.
Key Tasks of the Department
- Developing conceptual, regulatory-instructional, and regulatory-methodological documents for educational libraries (concepts, strategies, regulations, rules, instructions, methodological recommendations, methodological manuals).
- Enhancing coordination and corporate cooperation among the libraries in the network of educational libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.
- Studying, generalizing, and implementing the best Ukrainian and global innovative library practices.
- Providing consultative and methodological assistance to specialists of various types of educational libraries on key library work areas (expert-diagnostic visits for managerial consulting, group and individual consultations, thematic references).
- Organizing and conducting various events aimed at improving the qualifications of educational library staff: conferences, seminars, round tables, webinars, workshops, master classes, training sessions, panel discussions, Specialist Days, presentations, competitions, art exhibitions, meetings with artists, excursions, etc.
- Participating in international initiatives: forums, campaigns, large-scale events.
- Organizing and conducting the “Library Science Lecture Hall.”
- Conducting the library section within the framework of the All-Ukrainian Pedagogical Readings “Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi in Dialogue with Modernity.”
- Providing scientific-methodological support for the annual All-Ukrainian School Library Month as part of the International School Library Month.
- Forming a specialized collection of documents in the Library Science Office. Organizing a reference-search system, library-bibliographic, and information services for users.
- Updating the virtual information-bibliographic resource “Prominent Library Scientists, Bibliographers, Book Scientists, Document Scientists of Ukraine and the World.”
- Maintaining the “Library Specialist” page on the Library’s web portal.
- Preparing proposals for draft documents (in the field of education and library science) prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Library Association.
- Participating in professional events organized by the Ukrainian Library Association, libraries from other systems and departments.
- Participating in the activities of the Ukrainian Library Association (section for school library workers).
- Cooperating with methodological centers of leading libraries in Ukraine from other systems and departments.
- Collaborating with libraries of educational institutions of various accreditation levels and other organizations by participating in conferences, seminars, competitions, exhibitions, and other large-scale events.
Head of the Department
Department Staff
Alla Ivanivna Ruban
Position: Chief Librarian
Google Scholar E-archive of the NAES of Ukraine
Milyausha Kharysyvna Lapada
Position: Chief Bibliographer
Within the Department of Scientific, Methodological, Sociocultural, and International Activities of the V. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine, there operates the Library Science Office.
Tel. 380 (44) 239-11-09