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Assisting academic staff

1. Regulatory and legal sources

  1. Ukrainian On Scientific and Technical Information Law No. 3322-XII dated 25th June 1993.
  2. Ukrainian On Scientific and Technical Activity Law No. 848-XIII dated 26th November 2015.
  3. Ukrainian On National Repository of Academic Texts Resolution No. 541 adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and dated 19th July 2017.
  4. Ukrainian Identification Science Committee Resolution No. 410 adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and dated 6th July 2016.
  5. Ukrainian National Science and Technology Council of Ukraine Resolution No. 226 adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and dated 5th April 2017.
  6. Ukrainian Procedure on Creating the List of Ukrainian Research Professional Publications Order No. 32 adopted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and dated 15th January 2018.
  7. Ukrainian Thesis Requirements Order No. 40 adopted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and dated 12th January 2017.
  8. Ukrainian Regulation on the National ‘Horizon 2020’ Contact Post of the EU Framework Programme for research and innovation Order No. 1469 adopted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and dated 8th December 2016.

Regulatory and legal sources in the sphere of Ukrainian education

Ukrainian Education Law No. 2145-VIII dated 5th September 2017.

Ukrainian Regulation on Unified State Electronic Education Base Resolution No. 752 adopted by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine and dated 13th July 2011 (revised on 12th July 2017, Resolution No. 550).

2. List of Ukrainian research professional publications


3. List of Ukrainian journals covered in bibliographic, abstract and citation databases

  1. EBSCO
  2. Web of Science
  3. Index Copernicus
  4. Others

4. Ukrainian research periodicals on pedagogy, psychology, and education

5. International abstract and citation databases and systems


6. Research paper requirements

  1. DSTU (National Standard of Ukraine) 3582:2013. Information and documentation. Bibliographical description. Shortening of words and word combinations in Ukrainian. Rules and requirements (ISO 4:1984, NEQ; ISO 832:1994, NEQ).
  2. DSTU 7093:2009. System of information, library science and publishing standards. Bibliographic entry. Shortening of words and word combinations given in foreign European languages (GOST (State Standard) 7.11 – 2004 (ISO 832:1994), MOD; ISO 832:1994, MOD).
  3. DSTU 7152:2010. Information and documentation. Publications. Manuscript requirements for publishing in journals and collected articles: official edition [reviewed on 1st October 2010], Kyiv: Derzhspozhyvstandart Ukrainy Publishing House, 2010.
  4. DSTU 8302:2015. Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General regulations and rules.
  5. DSTU GOST 7.1:2006. System of information, library science and publishing standards. Bibliographic entry. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules (GOST 7.1 – 2003, IDT).
  6. DSTU GOST 7.80:2007. System of information, library science and publishing standards. Bibliographic entry. Heading. General requirements and rules (DSTU GOST 7.80:2007).
  7. DSTU GOST 7.9:2009 (ISO 214 – 76). System of information, library science and publishing standards. Abstract and annotation. General requirements (GOST 7.9 – 95 (ISO 214 – 76), IDT).
  8. GOST 7.12 – 93. System of information, library science and publishing standards. Bibliographic entry. Shortening of words in Russian. General requirements and rules.
  9. Lobanovska, I. H., Pomchalova, A. H. and Hrudinina N. D. (2015) Bibliography formatting guidelines. Vol. 12 of Assisting education librarians’ self-education Series. Kyiv.
  10. Karpenko, S. V. (2017) Bibliographic reference (general rules) in concordance with DSTU 8302:2015 put to use on 1 July 2016: guidelines. Kharkiv: Ukrainian Engineering and Teachers’ Training Academy Publishing House.

7. Reference management software

Reference management software is software for scholars and authors to put, store and exchange data and information; it helps record and reuse bibliographic references (citations). is a web portal for formatting references in accordance with the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of Ukraine requirements and passing normal inspection while writing publications, course papers, theses, and other research papers.

EndNote is paid software that helps research smarter, cite sources correctly, write manuscripts, search for an appropriate research journal to submit a manuscript for publication, and manage bibliographic references. It is produced by Clarivate Analytics (previously by Thomson Reuters).

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that helps organise your research, present your manuscript, find co-authors among more than 5 million researchers around the world, and format bibliographic references.

Zotero is a cloud data warehouse and a kind of social network designed for individual and collective work; it integrates with MS Word and OpenOffice Writer. Zotero extensions can be used with Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It is produced by the Centre for History and New Media at George Mason University.

Citavi is a reference manager and knowledge organiser for Microsoft Windows. It is widely used in Germany with site licenses at most universities. It integrates with MS Word and OpenOffice Writer. Citavi extensions can be used with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Adobe Reader and Acrobat. It retrieves bibliographic metadata from ISBN numbersDOI names, bar codes, and PDF documents. It is published by Swiss Academic Software in Wädenswil, Switzerland.

8. International citation styles

Bozhenko, O., Korian, Yu. and Fedorets, M. (2016) International rules for citing sources when writing an academic paper: methodological recommendations, ed. Pashkova, V. S., Voskoboinikova-Huzeva, O. V., Soshynska, Ya. Ye. and Brui O. M. [CD]. Kyiv: UBA Publishing House. ISBN 978-966-97569-2-3.

9. Bibliographic, abstract, and information analytical resources

Assisting academic staff: recommended bibliographic lists.

Abstract resources.

Information analytical resources.



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