Rare Publications

One of the main tasks of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine is to provide users with access to exceptional documents on professional issues of great scientific, historical, and cultural significance. The rare publications collection (RP fund) stores books and brochures published before 1945, as well as periodicals from this period.
Given the enormous socio-cultural importance and value of the collected editions and the need to enhance efforts to preserve and introduce them into scientific circulation, this fund has been granted the status of “scientific object of national heritage of Ukraine” according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1709 dated December 19, 2001.
The pearls of the collection can be considered the oldest editions: “Seneca’s Philosophy” (1615) and “The New Testament” (1714), printed in Latin; a photocopy of the 1609 edition of John Chrysostom’s “Selected Discourse on the Upbringing of Children”; M. V. Lomonosov’s “Brief Guide to Grammar” (1748); and lifetime editions of works and scientific papers by prominent educators such as M. Pirogov, K. Ushinsky, S. Rusova, T. Lubenets, psychologists V. Bekhterev, I. Sikorsky, V. Wagner, H. Chepanov, writers P. Kulish, V. Vynnychenko, O. Konysky, historians D. Bantysh-Kamensky, I. Ohienko, V. Shcherbina.
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The RP fund includes thematic collections such as “Pedagogy” and “Psychology,” and collections of “School Textbooks and Educational Aids,” and “Periodicals from 1807–1917.”
To work with the RP fund, a sector of rare publications (RP sector) has been created within the department of scientific organization and storage of the fund. The main activities of the RP sector include scientific formation and organization of storage, usage, and preservation of the RP fund, creating an electronic database of rare publications stored in the library, and developing instructional and methodological materials for managing the RP fund.
In 2010, the work on creating an electronic catalog of rare publications began. To date, the database contains more than 13,000 records.
For user service of rare publications, electronic copies are created, allowing active use of documents in scientific research without causing physical damage. The library’s local network houses more than 1,500 full-text documents of pedagogical, psychological, and historical-cultural content, including 300 educational publications and over 1,000 documents in foreign languages. Additionally, steps have been taken toward electronic document delivery for remote users.
The “Pedagogy” thematic collection unites documents on the history of pedagogy, pedagogical psychology, didactics, teaching methodology, social pedagogy, primary and secondary education pedagogy, professional and higher education, and school programs. The collection includes works by outstanding educators of the past such as J. A. Comenius, I. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Rousseau, J. Locke, F. Prokopovich, O. Dukhnovych, K. Ushinsky, M. Pirogov, M. Korf, S. Rusova, H. Vashchenko, V. Sukhomlynsky, and others.
The “Psychology” thematic collection contains documents on the history, formation, and development of psychology in the works of domestic and foreign psychologists. The library’s golden heritage includes the creative works of psychologists V. Bekhterev, A. Vvedensky, A. Ben, V. Wagner, M. Zelensky, H. Chepanov, I. Sikorsky, and others.
Some digitized editions are presented in the local network, including:
- P. Lynnytsky’s Thinking and Cognition – Kharkiv, 1896
- I. A. Sikorsky’s General Psychology with Physiognomy in Illustrated Exposition – Kyiv, 1912
- H. Chepanov’s Psychology Textbook (for Gymnasiums and Self-Education) – Kyiv, 1907
The “School Textbooks and Educational Aids” collection includes documents from 1748–1998, compiled by domestic educators.
Among the educational books are textbooks such as Grammar (1857), O. Konysky’s “Arithmetic or Counting” (1907), “Russian First Language Reader” (1869), S. Rusova’s “Ukrainian Primer” (1906), M. Hatsuk’s “Ukrainian Alphabet” (1861), T. Lubenets’ “Grammar” (1917), and others. The collection’s pearl is the Grammar (Kulishivka) published by P. Kulish (1857) – a Ukrainian writer, literary critic, folklorist, ethnographer, linguist, educator, cultural figure, and translator.
To provide information support for scientists and educators in their research on the history of education development and domestic textbook creation, the following catalogs have been created:
- Textbooks and educational aids for primary and secondary schools (1748–1917) in the funds of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine;
- Textbooks and educational aids on humanities for primary and secondary schools (1918–1945) from the funds of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine;
- Textbooks and educational aids on natural and mathematical sciences for primary and secondary schools (1918–1945) from the funds of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine.
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The full-text database, which contains about 300 educational publications.
The “Periodicals from 1807–1917” collection includes about 200 titles, including 130 on pedagogical and psychological topics. The collection includes journals in Russian and Ukrainian, printed in Kyiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and other cities. The fund houses nearly complete sets of periodicals such as “Free Ukrainian School,” “Kiev Antiquity,” “Light,” “Ukrainian House,” “Teacher,” etc.
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A comprehensive list of journals with detailed descriptions is presented in the historical and bibliographic study “Psychological and Pedagogical Journals of the 19th – early 20th centuries from the funds of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Educational Library of Ukraine.”
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In 2016, a rare book room-museum was opened in the library.