Scientific and Pedagogical Studies

V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as SSPL) accepts articles to the electronic journal “Scientific and Pedagogical Studies” (has an ISSN number and a DOI digital identifier).
The “Scientific and Pedagogical Studies” publication was created to provide open electronic Internet space for quality public communication of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists, to organize the exchange of professional experience in solving topical issues of pedagogy, bibliography, library and information sphere; to coordinate a dialogue and the exchange of knowledge among leading scientists and practitioners, and the like.
The journal has four sections:
І. Historical and pedagogical studies
ІІ. Scientific and informational support of the educational branch
ІІІ. Bibliography and sources
ІУ. Reviews
Unpublished materials on the history of education and pedagogy, scientific information support for the educational sphere, library science, book science, and the like are accepted for publishing.
Publication in the journal is free (only DОІ should be paid). Articles are subject to blind review. Materials that successfully passed the review stage and received a positive feedback from experts are sent for press.
Each issue is approved by the protocol of the meeting of the Scientific Council of the SSPL.
The deadline for submission of materials for the III edition – until September 1, 2019.
The requirements for a scientific article design are available at the link:
To learn more about the policy, thematic focus, the history of the journal and its publishing system, visit the official site of the “Scientific and Pedagogical Studies“.