The historical and cultural figure of grigory skovoroda: the transformation of the philosopher’s worldview space in the modern conditions of education and education of youth students

  • Olha Luchaninova Department of Engineering Pedagogy Ukrainian state university of science and technology (Educational and scientific institute «Institute of industrial and business technologies»)
Keywords: philosophical space, transformation, student personality, historical and cultural figure, dialectic, reflection, autonomous cosmos, related work, self-knowledge, H. Skovoroda.


The study is devoted to revealing the extraordinary historical and cultural figure of H. Skovoroda as a representative of his era and culture, to understanding the transformational processes during the transfer of the philosophical space of the philosopher to modern conditions of education and education of student youth.

The article characterizes the categories of a person’s life as a historical and cultural figure who contributed to the culture of the day, for the development of the country. As a representative of Ukrainian baroque culture, Skovoroda is multifaceted: Neoplatonic studies, hermeneutics, religion and the Bible as a way of knowing, the divine in man, philosophical reflections, knowledge of old and new languages, concepts and ideas - all this goes beyond understanding the life of one person and together with it causes admiration, a desire to imitate. Skovoroda is a man of his time and a man of the future at the sametime.

Attention is focused on the fact that theocentrism, Christocentrism, providentialism, an introspective view of things, dialectics based on antitheses, as well as Neoplatonism of philosophical reflections are in the center of the poet’s philosophical space.

Building his ideal, the writer brings his life style and philosophical ideal as close as possible. In the light of preparation for life, profession, education of student youth, education appears as a tool of pedagogy and as modern conditions of education and upbringing, formation of virtues in the student personality for life. Exploring the philosophical space of the poet, we come closer to knowing ourselves.Skovoroda transformed his searches into thoughts for us, future generations: everyone must know his people and in the people himself as a person.

Author Biography

Olha Luchaninova, Department of Engineering Pedagogy Ukrainian state university of science and technology (Educational and scientific institute «Institute of industrial and business technologies»)

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

How to Cite
Luchaninova, O. (2024). The historical and cultural figure of grigory skovoroda: the transformation of the philosopher’s worldview space in the modern conditions of education and education of youth students. Research and Educational Studies, 6(6), 26-35.