Abstract. The article proves that the concept of the educational space of
the university includes the following components: “space” and its characteristic -
“educational”. It is shown that the acceleration of integration processes in various
spheres of social life caused a tendency to mark their essence as the formation
and development of a certain space: economic, informational, educational, giving
it the meaning of interaction of subjects of social activity. It is noted that the
leading concept of “space” with the help of the sign “educational” formed the
concept of “educational space”, which, taking into account the content of its
structural components, is understood as a certain ordered structure that
characterizes all processes, forms, trajectories of movement and expresses the
connection between the objects of educational activity, ensuring the social and
personal significance of the result of improving the skills and behavior of its
subjects. Attention is drawn to the fact that socio-geographical, systemic-holistic,
local-poster approaches are distinguished in the definition of the educational
space. The stages of development of the selected concept are characterized. It is
proved that the educational space is a complex hierarchical structure, a pyramid
of spaces, in which a number of levels are distinguished: global, continental,
educational space of the country, national-regional, regional, territorial-regional,
municipal, local, family, personal educational space. The socio-geographical
approach reflects the creation of a unique educational space within the
framework of social regions, geographical territories and states, taking into
account their specificities, provided there is a single information environment.
Proponents of the system-holistic approach consider the educational space as an
element of public education, as the interaction of different levels of the education
system and the individual. In the local-poster approach, the concept of the space
of an educational institution or its component is used.It is noted that the
educational space of society is a form of social unity of people, which is created
as a result of their joint educational activity, and the goals of such activity are
determined by the needs of the subjects of education, because an essential factor
of modern education is the presence of a coherent educational space.