Viktor Mykolaiovych Kostarchuk (1918–2001): Commemoratin the 100th Anniversary of His Birthday
The article reveals the contribution of V. M. Kostarchuk (1918 – 2001), rector (1955 – 1982) of the Chernihiv State Pedagogical Institute named after T.G. Shevchenko in the formation and development of this educational institution, as well as in the development of mathematical, in particular algebraic education, for students of physics and mathematics faculties of higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine in the 60s of the 20th century - the beginning of the 21st century. In particular, attention is focused on biographical information about V. M. Kostarchuk, Zhytomyr period of his activity (1948-1955) and Chernihiv period of activity (1955-2001) are analyzed. It has been established that during the Zhytomyr period Viktor Mykolayovych's teaching range expanded, his assistantship turned into independent course management, and his lecturing and pedagogical maturity grew. It is proved that the Chernihiv period of activity became decisive for the scientist. After all, it was then that the transformation of the Chernihiv Teachers' Institute into a pedagogical one took place, which required a lot of effort - physical, mental, moral, psychological-emotional and other. An educational base was created, qualified pedagogical personnel were selected, educational, scientific-methodical, organizational-educational work was established. It was established that in 1959–1962, new departments were organized, in particular, higher mathematics, mathematics and its teaching methods, physics and general technical disciplines, pedagogy and methods of primary education. It was emphasized that the largest in the institute was the physics and mathematics faculty, which trained teachers of mathematics, physics, electrical engineering, and general technical disciplines. Considerable contribution of V.M. Kostarchuk in the modernization of the content of mathematical, in particular algebraic, education for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions, as well as for optional classes in mathematics for secondary schools. His textbook "Mathematics. The manual for optional classes in the 8th grade" was the first manual in Ukraine in the then new business of mathematical training of students. Information about textbooks on algebra, with a focus on modernizing the algebraic education of students of physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogical institutes, and improving the algebraic education of secondary school teachers, is provided.
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