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Department of Providing Scientific and Methodical Support to the System of Education Libraries

According to the Law of Ukraine On Libraries and Librarianship and the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine On Creation of the State Scientific and Pedagogical Library, V.O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine functions as a coordination, scientific and methodological centre within the system of education libraries under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine holding more than 16,000 libraries. Taking into consideration this fact, the Department for Providing Scientific and Methodical Support to Education Libraries was founded within the structure V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine in 2000.


Scientific research. The Department carries out fundamental and applied research on subject library science, bibliography science, bibliology and research information activity.

Research and library activity is realised through its functioning in accordance with its purpose and place in the system of other scientific, educational, cultural and informational institutions and organisations as a national subject book repositary, all-Ukrainian scientific information, methodical and coordination centre within the system of education libraries of the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine.

Scientific cooperation implies the cooperation between the Department and the NAES of Ukraine, the MES of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi Association, Ukrainian Library Association, the Ukrainian education libraries, the leading libraries of other systems and establishments, various institutions and organisations regardless of forms of ownership (in particular with foreign establishments).

Mass scientific and practical activities. The Department organises and participates in different mass scientific and practical activities (conferences, seminars, library sections, trainings, workshops, webinars, competitions, exhibitions, round tables, discussion clubs, etc.).

Mass media and public relations are realised through publishing research findings in mass media, on information boards, the library web portal and other information resources in the Internet arranged for dissemination of the relevant scientific information about the activities carried out at the Department.


Scientific research in the course of the development of V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine and the system of education libraries under the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine.Accumulation, scientific analysis and generalisation of complex statistical information about the activities of various types of education libraries and publication of the annual Dovidnyk Naukovo-informatsiynoyi i Vydavnychoyi Diyalnosti ta Osnovnykh Zakhodiv Merezhi Osvitianskykh Bibliotek MON Ukrainy ta NAPN Ukrainy (Annual Handbook for Scientific Information, Publishing Activity and Main Activities of the System of Education Libraries under the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine) handbook.

Development of conceptual, normative, instructive and methodical documents for education libraries (concepts, strategies, regulations, rules, instructions, guidelines, manuals).

Development of coordination and corporate cooperation between education libraries under the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine.

Study, generalisation and introduction of the best national and foreign innovative operational experience into the practice of education libraries.

Providing consultative and methodological assistance to the library staff of various education libraries in Ukraine taking into consideration the main areas of library work (management consultation, group and individual consultations, subject reference).

Organisation of various mass scientific and practical activities aimed at professional training of librarians working at education libraries: scientific conferences and seminars, library section within the all-Ukrainian Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi Dialogues with the Present pedagogical readings, round tables, workshops, practical training sessions, in-depth training courses, schools of best practices, webinars, creative laboratory works, Librarian’s Days, Librarianship Lecture Centre meeting, Scientific and Methodical Council meetings on improvement of the activity carried out at the education libraries of the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine (the Council was established in V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine).

Providing scientific and methodological support to the annual all-Ukrainian school libraries month within the International School Libraries Month.

Arrangement of the special collection of the librarianship study room. Organisation of reference and search aids, library bibliographic and informational service.

Enlarging virtual information bibliographic resource about outstanding librarians, bibliographers, bibliologists, documentalists of Ukraine and the world.

Presentation of the Department on the library Scientific Methodical Activity web portal page.

Preparation of proposals to the drafts (in the sphere of education and librarianship) prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, and the ULA.

Membership in the Interagency Coordination Council on Libraries and Librarianship established under the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine; participation in professional activities organised by the Ukrainian Library Association and libraries of other establishments.

Cooperation with methodical centres of leading libraries of other establishments.The main objective of the Department is providing scientific methodical support to the system of education libraries under the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine, which, in turn, provides library information support to pedagogical science, education and practice.


section_4_2Khemchian Iryna Ivanivna

Position Title: Head of the Department


Kyiv State O. Y. Korniychuk Institute of Culture (1980)

Work Experience:

April 2000 to current: Head of the Department of Scientific and Applied Library Science at V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific and Pedagogical Library of Ukraine;
1974 to 2000: librarian, leading librarian, Head of the Scientific Methodical Department at State Scientific-technical Library of Ukraine.

Sphere of Scientific Interests: history of the development and current state of the education libraries under the MES of Ukraine and the NAES of Ukraine, providing scientific and methodological support to innovative development of education libraries, the role of libraries of educational establishments in the educational process, the problems of children’s reading.

Google Scholar   E-archive of the NAES of Ukraine



Bila Liudmyla Oleksiivna

Position Title: Researcher

Google Scholar   E-archive of the NAES of Ukraine


Ruban Alla Ivanivna

Position Title: Researcher

Google Scholar   E-archive of the NAES of Ukraine

There is a Librarianship Study Room functioning within the Department for Providing Scientific and Methodical Support to Education Libraries in V.O. Sukhomlynskyi SSPL of Ukraine.


telephone Tel. 380 (44) 239-11-09
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